Darkness Falls (Darkness Series Book 3)

Darkness Falls (Darkness Series Book 3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Darkness Falls (Darkness Series Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: J.L. Drake
Seth.” She rolled her eyes. “A little peek is fun.”
    “Ah!” I shook my head. “Just stop.”
    She laughed over her shoulder as she headed for the restroom.
    I glance over at Emily, who looked mighty pissed at both of us. “Must you guys be so rude to him? I would think you’d be happy he’s a friendly neighbor. He’s always home, and you aren’t. If I was to get into trouble, he’s here, a few yards away. Isn’t that just as good as having one of your babysitters?”
    “No,” I said without missing a beat.
    “Nope,” Garrett added. “He likes you, Em.”
    “So?” She tossed the dishrag in the sink and shoved the pizzas into the oven. “I don’t like him that way. Doesn’t that count for something?”
    “It should, but it doesn’t.” Garrett sipped his beer.
    I crossed my arms. “When a guy like him likes a woman like you, he’ll make a move. It’s only a matter of time.”
    “Okay.” She leaned against the counter, and I could see she wasn’t going to back down on this either.
    “Okay?” I felt like I wasn’t going to like this answer.
    “Okay, when or if he makes his move, I tell him no. Then if he doesn’t get that I’m not interested, I stay away. But I’m not pushing away every guy you two think likes me, or I’d have no friends.”
    Garrett smacked me on the shoulder as he pulled Maddy into the living room area to give us some privacy.
    “Seth,” she held her hands up, looking tired, “please, please don’t start this whole jealously thing again. First Scott, then Vince. I can’t do Travis too.”
    I wanted to point out that both Scott and Vince had feelings for her at one time and probably still did, but I knew better right now.
    I took a few steps so I was in front of her and cupped her cheeks so she would look at me. “Can’t blame a guy for being crazy jealous over someone flirting with what’s his, baby. Just because you don’t see it yet doesn’t mean I don’t.” I leaned forward and sealed my lips over hers, tasting the wine that lingered on her tongue. “Don’t be mad.”
    She sighed when she heard Maddy in the other room. “Yeah.” She moved away to check on the pizza.

    My body was perfectly still behind a large tree, my senses heightened to every single sound around me. I was dressed in my normal attire for when I was watching, all black. I blended perfectly, trained to stay still for endless amounts of time, and have the patience of a saint, though I was anything but.
    I could see perfectly into the kitchen window, see Emily and Seth get into one of their famous fights over her blind stupidity and his over the top jealousy issues. They were a bit like oil and water.
    Travis was stopped a few feet away, watching too. Little did he know I was watching him with as much curiosity. My instincts told me he was hiding something, and I knew Garrett found something because I overheard him with Seth. I made a mental note to look into him further. I had plans for Travis, and the fact he was interested in Emily and not nervous of Seth’s territorial issues made it that much more fun.
    Travis suddenly looked in my direction, his eyes locked onto mine. I slipped into predator mode. I noted all the areas my knife could slice and dice into his flesh, ending his life quickly with no sound at all. I had a plastic sheet hidden a few yards away, along with some rope for times like this when it could get messy fast. My truck was a quarter of a mile due east. Travis was a big man. I would guess two hundred-some pounds, at six feet. I could carry him, but there was a chance I might have to drag him, so I would need a break. So, add all that together, if I had to kill my pawn, I’d be looking at least an hour or two of dealing with this shit.
    Travis’s eyes unlocked from mine and scanned the trees. His phone grabbed his attention, and he suddenly headed back toward his house. He walked right by me. If he were
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