them are pretty high. All of them have been drinking. No vampires.”
Skyler caught Josef’s arm. “Let’s just go then. Five humans with knives and chains and maybe guns can still slow us down. Let’s get out of here.”
“I don’t think they have any intention of letting us take the truck, Sky,” Josef said. “They’ve got their eyes on our ride.”
Skyler sighed. Josef and Paul were spoiling for a fight. They both had pent-up energy as well as suppressed anger toward their prince and the other hunters. If she was being entirely truthful, she did as well. She was angry. Furious. Dimitri deserved so much more loyalty than his people were showing him. All three of them had been kept out of the loop, too young to count, when the very person who was her other half was in danger. It wasn’t right. She was Dimitri’s lifemate and at the very least, she should be kept informed at all times, not dismissed as if she were a child and wouldn’t understand.
She took a deep breath, knowing that the only one of the three of them who looked as if they could handle themselves was Paul. Josef, they would dismiss. He was tall and lanky, but hadn’t developed the outward muscle that might impress a group of toughs like the ones posturing. Josef, of course, was the one that everyone should be afraid of, but he looked like the techie he was.
She listened to the trash talk and gave a little sigh. The world sometimes seemed the same everywhere she went. London, South America, the United States, even her beloved Romania had the same types that would much rather rob than earn.
You’re too soft, Sky, Josef said. They’d kill you for those chic boots you’re wearing.
The worst part of it was Josef was probably right. He could read their thoughts. She could, too, if she chose, which she didn’t. Sometimes she just wanted to pretend that most people were really good, like Gabriel and Francesca, not the monsters she’d known as a child. Living in a world where she knew vampires and monsters existed didn’t help her fantasy.
The smell of the five approaching them reached her first. Two were definitely on drugs. The reek of alcohol was strong, not a good sign. Her experience with alcohol wasn’t the best. Men who were drunk definitely had an enlarged sense of bravado and very impaired judgment. Most likely, these five would think they could do anything.
She watched them come close, noting the two hanging back were clearly drunk. They couldn’t walk a straight line, but one had a gun. She could see him stroking the barrel, and to her, he appeared the most dangerous. She kept her gaze glued to him.
“Well, look what we found?” the self-appointed leader said. He pointed to Skyler and crooked his little finger. “Come here.”
Josef smiled at them, deliberately showing his longer, sharper teeth. “You’d better leave while you have the chance.”
“No one’s talking to you,” the leader snapped. “Get over here,” he added, his hand on his knife.
“She’s not going anywhere,” Josef said, his eyes taking on a red glow. “I’m giving you one last warning, although I am a little hungry. I just woke up, but you all reek of alcohol and I’m opposed to drinking on so many levels.”
“Look at that ride, Gustoff.” The one directly to the right of the leader indicated the truck. “And a cool coffin. I want that.”
“That’s my bedroom,” Josef said. “And I didn’t invite you in.”
Gustoff had had enough of dealing with Josef. He drew his knife and immediately the others followed suit. Skyler wasn’t so much worried about the knives as she was the gun the drunken man pulled. He pointed it straight at Josef. She concentrated on the object. The gun seemed to take on a life of its own. Slowly the smirk faded from the drunk’s face as the gun began to turn on him. No matter how hard he tried to turn his hand back, the gun kept coming around until it was pointed at him.
“Gustoff!” he