DARK SOULS (Dark Souls Series)

DARK SOULS (Dark Souls Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: DARK SOULS (Dark Souls Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ketley Allison
my body sagging gratefully against the cold stone barricade. I closed my eyes, finally relaxing as whatever had grabbed hold of me in the living room quietly abated.
    “It’s closed for renovations, so you don’t have to worry about anyone else coming up. The family’s building a roof deck or something.”
    I hadn’t even noticed the dark tarps that were drifting in the wind, or the metal beams splayed haphazardly across the stone floor. Nor did I even register that we were alone.
     “Here you are,” Rob said behind me, handing me a drink.
    “Thanks,” I said, truly grateful as I took the drink from him and lifted it to my lips, allowing the cold liquid to slide down my suddenly parched throat. I was even more grateful when I realized it was just lemon-lime soda. “I really needed this.”
    Rob smiled, and I caught his eye as I lowered my cup. I couldn’t help but smile back at his sincerity, my thoughts shifting to how lucky Macy was to have such a sweet, thoughtful guy, one who even went out of his way to make sure your friend was feeling okay.
    “Guess you’re not liking the match-up too much,” he said, breaking eye contact and resting his forearms against the stone balustrade overlooking the rooftops.
    I shifted with him and faced the view, the overcast sky blanketing the row of brownstones in front of us. I watched as lighted windows were flicked into darkness. The quiet neighborhood of Fort Greene was slowly drifting off to sleep, and I was ready to follow suit.
    “Not really,” I said. “I’ve been feeling a little weird lately.”
    “Yeah, I could tell. You’re even quieter than usual,” he said, glancing over at me, then flushed when he realized he tried to make a joke.
    I wished I could reply to him with ease, but I was seriously un easy, my confusion only adding to my strain. Rob seemed to catch onto my discomfort and rested his hand lightly on my shoulder.
    “You can talk to me, you know.” He said it so quietly that I could barely hear his words. I saw a slight blush creep up on his cheeks, and he swallowed hard before continuing, “I mean—I, uh, I know you have other people to talk to and everything, but I’m here for you. Friendly here. As in friends.” He stopped talking, his face reddening even more as he tried to make himself clear. “I mean, I’m here as your friend.”
    He smiled sheepishly, and I stared back at him in a confused sort of shock.  
    That was when it happened.

    My eyes narrowed, unsure if I possibly could have seen what I thought I had seen.
    It was only for a millisecond, but his eyes had shifted strangely. One minute they were his normal soft green, and then suddenly and inexplicably, they flashed yellow, his pupils shrinking into slits. I blinked, and his eyes were back to normal as they studied me quizzically.
    “Something wrong?” he asked. His eyes flitted back and forth between mine, scrutinizing me. “You okay?”
    “I really don’t know,” I said, concerned over this potential mental break from reality. “Are you okay?”
    I searched his eyes, my mind not quite catching up to what my eyes were seeing.
    “What do you mean?”
    “You’re…” I didn’t even want to say it. I just saw snake eyes on him, for god’s sake. My thoughts weren’t exactly credible at the moment. “You’re not hitting on me, are you?”
    His very normal-looking eyes widened for a moment. “Oh—no. Shit, right. No.”
    I jerked my chin back, appalled by everything that was happening right now.
    “How about we go back downstairs?” He asked, running a hand through his hair.
     Rob continued to look at me with concern, his eyes still normal as they rested on my face, and I immediately felt stupid.  This was Rob , for crying out loud. He walked around like a doe-eyed deer half the time and could barely kill a spider without his eyes welling up. Subconscious manifestation or not, imagining snake eyes on Rob was like imagining Macy
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