Dark Soul Silenced - Part One

Dark Soul Silenced - Part One Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dark Soul Silenced - Part One Read Online Free PDF
Author: Simon Goodson
had made the mistake of judging the prefect by his kindly wrinkled face and slow yet deliberate approach, seeing in the old man an absent-minded, grandfatherly nature.  Josef was sure it was an impression the elderly leader of his order cultivated deliberately, the better to spring the trap when needed.  Finally the prefect waved to the other chair, still studying Josef as he crossed the room and sat.
    “ You don't like Ser Gerome, do you?” the prefect asked.
    “ I have great respect for Ser Gerome,” Josef protested.  “He is most effective in tracking down those who practice the dark arts.”
    “ A politicians answer,” snapped Lantus.  “Don't try to weasel your way out!  You don't like him, do you?”
    “ If I am honest then… no.  I find some of his methods, his actions, disturbing.  I fully understand the need to root out those who practice the dark arts, and the need to put them to the question afterwards.  The more we understand the better we can carry out our duty to protect the innocent.
    Yet at times Ser Gerome seems to enjoy the questioning too much, seems to find pleasure in what should be an unpleasant duty, seems to keep going long past the point when most of us would have performed the rites to purge the body and free the soul.  Especially if the person he is questioning is young and female.”
    Once again prefect Lantus sat quietly studying Josef, who had to fight the urge to squirm.  He was slightly shocked at having voiced his thoughts, somehow the prefect's question had shaken loose his concerns and his tongue.  Now he waited, wondering if he had crossed a line.  Despite nearly twenty years of dedication to the cause he knew his position could be stripped from him, had seen it happen to others.
    Finally the old man grinned at him, sitting back in his chair.
    “Relax Josef.  You spoke honestly when I told you to, I respect that – even if it was after a false start.  Your opinion of Ser Gerome is noted, however he is the best we have at sniffing out the dark ones.  His methods may seem harsh to you but they are, as you said, effective.  He retains my full confidence.
    You should know that Ser Gerome has concerns about you too, he feels you are too soft, too ready to grant the blessed peace of mercy before all questions have been answered.”
    “Prefect, I have always been dedicated to the cause!  I would never…”
    “ Yes, yes, yes.”  The Prefect cut him off with a sharp chopping motion.  “I know that, if I doubted it for a minute you would be cleaning out the stables for the rest of your life.
    Now, to the reason I called you.  Do you remember the incident on Market Street five days ago?”
    “The boy who was injured by a horse then healed by a young girl using the dark arts?”
    “ Exactly.  That display of power was several orders stronger than anything we have seen in the town for years.  The boy and his family fled the city, it seems they had links to smugglers, and were last seen boarding a ship in Prosper Point.  From there they could travel anywhere.  We will spread the word but that trail is cold.  I think it is of little import anyway, the boy we would have tested for corruption and questioned but the rest of the family I believe to be acting in a misguided attempt to protect him.
    The girl and her family are a different matter though.  They did not flee with the boy and his family, and have not been sighted anywhere in the surrounding area.  We thought initially that they had gone to ground somewhere in the town, but as time passed that seemed increasingly unlikely.
    It is imperative that we find that girl, and her family too.  We need to understand where her power came from, and if it was from her parents then we need to track down and test any possible relatives wherever they are.  All we know so far is that the family had no surviving relatives in the city.”
    “ If they are not in the city could they have fled by a different route?  Headed
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