Dark Moon

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Book: Dark Moon Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elizabeth Kelly
muttered distractedly.  She stared at Vivian.  “Perhaps if I held him every day?  What do you think?  Maybe it’s just a matter of them needing time to heal.”
    “It might work.”  Vivian said.  “Or maybe we should ask James to try.  He is more powerful than you and – “
    “No.”  Kaden said.  “The scars don’t hurt.”
    Vivian suddenly laughed. “Aye, I’m being a silly old Lycan.  I suppose it would be a bit awkward to have James hugging you.”  She laughed again at herself and Dani giggled.
    “I wish I had the healing ability.”  She rubbed her hand over Kaden’s chest.  “I’d be fine with touching you every day.”  She blushed at her own boldness, but let her hand drift towards his flat stomach.  “Maybe we – “
    She was interrupted by a low growling and the others turned and stared in surprise at Sophia.  She was glaring at Dani and Kaden, and the growl that was radiating from deep within her chest was growing steadily louder.
    “Sophia?”  Vivian said quietly.  “What is wrong?”
    Sophia quit growling abruptly and gave her grandmother a horrified look.  “Nothing, grandmamma.  I am just uh – “
    She couldn’t think of a single excuse for her behaviour.
    “She is just tired.”  Avery interrupted smoothly.  “And perhaps a bit disturbed by the prospect of wearing pink for the wedding.”
    She reached for Dani’s hand and pulled her gently away from Kaden.  “Come girls, let’s find Bree and discuss some wedding ideas.”
    “I was going to visit with Kaden for a bit.”  Dani protested.  “I haven’t even had the chance to tell him how happy I am he’s staying.”  She smiled brilliantly at him as Avery tugged her towards the door.
    “I’m sure Kaden has work to do in the barn.”  She replied.
    “Aye, I do.”  Kaden, feeling grateful to the Red, nodded quickly.  “Ian will be wondering where I am.”
    He grabbed his shirt and walked quickly from the room, nearly running into his sister.
    “Kaden?  What’s wrong?”  She frowned at the look on his face as he shrugged into his shirt.
    “Nothing.  I need to go and help Ian in the barn.  Avery and the others are looking for you.  They want to discuss wedding plans.”
    She grinned.  “Aye, I heard a rumour that Dani has chosen pink and cream for my colours.  I need to let her know that’s not going to happen.”
    “Sophia will be happy to hear that.”  He replied.
    She gave him a strange look.  “How do you know that?”
    He shook his head.  “Never mind.  I’ll talk to you later okay?”
    She nodded and disappeared into the common room.

Chapter 4
    Sophia was crossing the yard when she heard Leta scream.  The sound was coming from the barn, and she turned and raced towards it.  Her heart thumping in her chest, she drew her sword and burst into the barn as Leta screeched again.
    “Stop it, Evan!  Stop it right now or I’m telling mama!”
    Kaden appeared in front of her and Sophia ran into his broad back before she could stop herself.  He twisted quickly and caught her before she could fall, wincing when the flat of her sword hit him across the thigh.
    “Gods be damned!  Are you trying to cut my leg off?”  He glared at her and released her.  She stumbled back, nearly falling again before catching her balance.
    She brushed past him as Leta squealed loudly.  “I mean it, Evan!”
    “What in the gods name is going on here?”  She pushed into the empty stall that Evan and Leta were standing in.  She had to suppress her shudder of disgust at the creature in Evan’s hand.  It was a rat, dead thank the gods, but still a rat.  She hated the vile things, had since she was a small child, and she kept a careful distance even as she reminded herself not to show Leta her fear.  Evan was swinging the dead animal by its plump, pink tail and grinning at his younger sister.
    “Sophia!  Make him stop!”  Leta cried, cringing when Evan swung the rat closer to
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