Dark Light (The Dark Light Series)

Dark Light (The Dark Light Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dark Light (The Dark Light Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: S.L. Jennings
let’s start slowly. How much have you read?” she asks.
    “A lot,” I answer. “But not all of it. I got to the part where, um, my mom, I mean, Natalia finds out that the Shadow are after her. She goes into hiding in the woods, trying to prepare herself. You know, um uh, restoring her power. Getting stronger,” I say, clearly uneasy just uttering the words out loud. This seriously sounds like a load of bull but if I want to get some answers, I have to speak up. I take a large slug of my smoothie to wash away the reluctance.
    Donna takes a deep breath. I can tell she’s nervous. “Ok, so what do you want to know?” 
    “Did you know my mother?” I ask meekly. I feel bad, referring to Natalia as my mother but that’s what she is. Or was. 
    “Yes. Natalia was a great friend.” Donna takes a deep breath and looks me in the eye. “She saved my life.”
    “How?” I asked. Ok, I didn’t see that coming. I couldn’t imagine Donna ever being in any danger. She seems so… safe .
    “I am what people would refer to as Wiccan. What little power I do have, I was not born with. It is more of a spiritual connection to nature. I don’t practice it much now because I wanted to keep it from you. I needed to. I couldn’t draw any undue attention to you,” she explains.
    “Wait, what? So what… you’re a witch or something?” What the hell? Have I been walking around blind for the past 20 years? What else have they kept from me?
    “No, we don’t like to say witch. It’s more of a religion.” She sips her tea and looks at me. I nod for her to continue. “I was alone one night, in the woods, practicing a spell. A Dark One approached me. I had no idea who or what he was, but he was gorgeous and alluring. I was mesmerized, almost hypnotized by him. I’ll never forget his cold, menacing eyes. Sometimes they still haunt me at night.” 
    Donna visibly shivers, clutching her teacup tightly in her petite hands. “I don’t remember much of what happened but the next thing I knew, I was waking up on a wet pile of leaves with Natalia crouched over me. She told me that I was momentarily entranced by the Dark One and his will was to kill me and gain my tiny measure of power. That’s what they do, you know.”
    “What do you mean?” 
    “They spellbind those who hold magic and suck out their power. Killing their prey is what makes them stronger, more powerful. Plus…other benefits.” She shivers again. “The one who attacked me must’ve simply been bored to waste time on my miniscule magic. I was a mere flea to his power.” 
    Donna stares down at her teacup with trepidation. I can tell the memory still unsettles her and I reach over to give her a reassuring pat on the hand to encourage her to continue. 
    “Natalia stopped him as I was just seconds from dying. Then she healed me. She could’ve left me there to die in order to avoid revealing what she was but she didn’t. She was good. I owe her everything. ” I can hear the emotion in my mother’s wavering voice. I can tell she cared for her deeply and it makes me wish that I could’ve known my mother in that way. 
    “So she saved you. What happened to the guy? The Warlock who tried to kill you?” I ask. I’m on the edge of my seat but I already know the answer to my question.
    Donna’s eyes darken, her breathing becoming shallow. “She killed him.”
    This must still bother her after all these years. What did he do to her? But I don’t dare ask for details, not after seeing how much the recollection of the attack still affects her. Whatever it was, it must’ve been horribly brutal. I’ve never seen Donna this shaken.
    “Then what? You all stayed in touch? Became friends?” I want to steer the conversation away from the bleak remembrance. 
    “Yes, we did,” Donna perks into a smile, looking up as if she’s recalling a memory. “Since I already had the sight, the belief and acceptance of supernatural powers beyond me, my third eye was wide
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