Dark And Dangerous

Dark And Dangerous Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dark And Dangerous Read Online Free PDF
Author: Faye Sommer
blue eyes.
    She was getting in way
over her head.
      "Good morning, Kayley."  
      "Good morning."
      "Are you ready to go?" Nathan
      "Yes. I just have to get my purse."
She hurried in to get it and saw the note and the computer thing still lying on
her kitchen counter. Grabbing the thing she stuffed it in her purse and headed
back outside.
      "You have the key to the storage?"
he asked as she locked the door.
      "Yes, it's in my purse."
      "Good." He cast a glance at her as
they drove away from the cottage. "Tired?"
      "No, I'm fine."
      He didn't believe her for a moment. There
were shadows in her eyes that hadn't been there the day before. Determined to
make them go away he said, "So, did you dream about me?"
    She laughed, even as she
blushed. "No."
      "I bet you've thought obsessively about
      "I have not." Okay, maybe just a
little bit, but he didn't have to know.
      "I've thought about you."
      "Oh." She didn't know what to say
to that.
      "You're a fascinating woman. I forgot to
ask yesterday, are you afraid of flying?"
    Kayley quickly readjusted
to his sudden change of subject. "No, I'm not. Although I don't know about
helicopters, of course."
      "It's not that much different."
      "Where is this helicopter?" she
      "It's at the resort."
      "Do you use it often?"
      "If there's a meeting in San Francisco,
or some such thing. Otherwise clients appreciate the service." Nathan
drove up the resort road, and turned onto a side road. It twisted along at the
edge of the resort grounds, then opened up to a big cemented area. In the
middle stood the helicopter sleek and black, like a dark bird of prey. Nathan
drove the car over to the right, well away from the helicopter. Kayley felt her
stomach clench uneasily as they walked towards it.
      "Nervous?" he asked.
      "A bit." Although she didn't add
that her nerves had much more to do with the man that was with her, than it had
anything to do with flying.
      "You'll do fine."
    The pilot was waiting, and
opened the door for them.
      "Everything set, Troy?" Nathan
asked him.
      "Yes, sir."
      Climbing in first, she saw there were two
rows of seats, facing each other. She sat, and was surprised as he took the
seat beside her. She had been sure he would sit across from her. The engine
started and she saw, through the windows, the propeller slice through the air.
      "It won't take long before we're
airborne," Nathan said. The blades began rotating faster and faster, until
they were whipping through the air. He took her hand, squeezing gently, and
then suddenly they were off the ground, rising into the air.
      It was magnificent. She could see the resort
spread beneath them, and the incredible coastline as they continued to rise
over the land.
      "It's beautiful, isn't it?" He
leaned towards her, looking down as the ground slid farther and farther
      "It's incredible. I've never seen
anything like it," Kayley said.
      He heard the excitement in her voice and
smiled. There were no shadows in her eyes now. She took in everything as they
flew along the coast. Not wanting to disturb her, he leaned back in the seat
and relaxed. She was a joy to watch, he thought, completely engulfed in what
she saw. They flew that way in silence, until San Francisco's skyline came into
view. He heard her gasp for breath when the pilot flew them closer to the
rising buildings.
      Nathan leaned closer. "I never quite get
used to the sight."
    She'd forgotten he was
there, Kayley realized. But she was suddenly aware again. Very aware.
"Where are we going to land?"
      "We're landing at the airport."
      "Oh." Yes, she could see it now as
they flew closer. It spread out beneath them, and reminded her of a small
modern city. Troy landed the helicopter with careful precision that spoke of
years of practice.
      "Your first helicopter flight is over.
How do you feel?" Nathan asked.
    They jumped out as the
door was opened. "Thank you, Troy.
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