Daring Her Love
    “So, you’re going into PR for the rich and famous?” he asked.
    “No. No offense to you, but I feel like celebrities don’t really need the type of PR help I want to give. I mean, so much exposure comes from just being rich and famous. I want to help the little guys, and I don’t care if that means earning peanuts, or not gaining exposure for my business as quickly as I might if I helped bigger names. I want to focus on nonprofits, companies and people who are doing good in the world in bigger ways. This trip is about getting ready to dive in feetfirst. Brianna is taking pictures for my website and brochures, which is fitting, considering it was Brianna and Hugh who gave me the inspiration to do all of this. I was there the day they met, and looking back? It was nothing short of magical that the two of them would meet so randomly. And even though they met at the tavern, I couldn’t imagine it happening twice, and I worried that it was also putting me in a bad place to meet the kind of person I would like to be with in the future. Someone stable and loving, and interested in the world around them, not just the next good lay.”
    She held his gaze for a long time, and he wondered if she was thinking that he belonged in that group of people, too. He wanted to tell her that it was Hugh’s relationship with Bree, and the way it had sated Hugh so completely, that had Eric carousing less with random women and focusing on fleshing out the things that were important to him, like creating a scholarship for his foundation, the Foundation for Whole Families, that helped families affected by drug use. The foundation gave him fulfillment vastly different from what racing or women ever could.
    But he held his tongue, because surely these coincidences would seem far-fetched to Kat, and perhaps even contrived. Neither definition entered his mind, but the word fate certainly did.
    “Now,” she finally said, “I’m ready for everything. A fulfilling career and hopefully, a loving, stable relationship. Maybe I don’t deserve that, but I want it.”
    She made him want that, too.
    “I already have contracts with four nonprofit clients Shea sent my way. They were too small for her, but perfect for me. So, to answer your question, I’m not really looking for a husband, but I’m definitely trying not to attract the wrong kind of guys anymore.” She leaned her head back against the seat and laughed. “I’m not very good at that, am I?”
    “On the contrary. I think you’re very good at not finding the wrong type of guys.” Eric took her hand in his again. “Maybe it’s your definition of wrong that’s off.”

Chapter Three
    WESTON, COLORADO, WAS a small ranch town, markedly different from the fast-paced city life Kat was used to. Here, dressing up meant a nice pair of Levi’s and shinin’ your boots, and she loved it. She’d been to Hal Braden’s ranch a number of times, but the breathtaking view of rolling hills and green pastures never failed to fill her with a peaceful feeling, which shockingly overrode the nervous energy of riding in the rental car in close proximity to Eric. Small talk had come surprisingly easy, even if most of it was laced with flirty comments and naughty innuendos. The more time Kat spent with Eric, the more she liked him. But she couldn’t ignore the warning bells going off in her head. The man was a definite player, and she was over that part of her life.
    It was well after midnight when they finally pulled down Hal’s dark driveway.
    As they stepped from the car, Eric pointed to the horses in the pasture. “Do you ride?”
    “No, but it’s on my list of fears to conquer.”
    “How’s that going for you? Conquering your fears?”
    Kat watched her handsome driver with interest as he rounded the car and grabbed his bags from the trunk. He’d asked her several personal questions on the drive over, like what she did with her time now that Brianna
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