Daniel (Kings of Korruption MC)

Daniel (Kings of Korruption MC) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Daniel (Kings of Korruption MC) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Geri Glenn
“Thank you, Daniel. And I’m sorry I gave you the finger.”
    I chuckle. “Yeah, that wasn’t very nice.” She laughs with me and nudges me with her shoulder.
    “You were right, though,” she says. “I’m kind of impulsive.” She gives me a sheepish grin. “I tend to act first, think later.”
    I feign shock. “You don’t say!”
    We both chuckle, but the chuckle quickly fades for both of us and we end up staring into each other’s eyes. I know I shouldn’t be here. I know I shouldn’t touch her. But it’s like I have no control. I’m drawn to her.
    Reaching out, I tip her chin up and move in closer. “Trust me, okay?” She nods, and I hear her swallow thickly. Her eyes are glued to my lips. Moving in, I brush my lips lightly against hers. “And no more crazy shit. Got it?”
    She nods again, and I just smile, our lips barely touching. I’m about to pull away, not wanting to take advantage of her worry when she leans forward and presses her lips against mine. I freeze for a second, not sure what to do. When her hands come up and grasp my hair, I decide to go for it. Leaning into the kiss, I part my lips against hers.
    When she pulls me even closer, I realize how bad this looks. An officer taking advantage of a civilian outside in the open. Pulling back, I paste on a smile. “Now that I know you’re okay, I have some work to do. Go inside and relax. I’ll let you know what I find out.”
    She stares at me and nods, and I can’t help myself. I lean in and give her another soft brush with my lips. Pulling back, I smile. I wait for her to get inside her house and then try to ignore my erection as I walk to my car.


    I t’s hard to believe it’s only three o’clock in the afternoon. So much has happened today. I woke up in a strange bed, jumped onto the back of a strange biker’s motorcycle, flipped off a sexy cop, confronted my estranged father, and then kissed that same sexy cop. The kiss was the best part.
    I just met Daniel yesterday, but already we have been through a lot together. Sure, he’s bossy, which pisses me off, but I feel safe with him. It’s strange really, because I don’t feel safe with any man. No man, including my father, has ever given me reason to. Neither has my mother for that matter. I have always been my own safety net. So how come just two days with Daniel makes me want to finally trust someone else to do the job for me?
    I walk into the bathroom, my thoughts swirling, but I stop in my tracks when I see my reflection. Good God! Is this what I’ve looked like all day? I look scary. And I kissed Daniel like this!
    Flipping on the shower, I start peeling off my rumpled clothes and jump inside. The water beats against my skin, doing little to wash away the tension I feel. After getting out, I go about my regular beauty routine, put my mass of curls up with a red bandana and pair my look with a cute little sundress I bought at a second-hand store last week.
    I open the fridge to make myself something to eat, but am quickly reminded by the bare shelves that I haven’t had time to get to the grocery store this week. The cupboards are just as bare. Deciding the fresh air would do me some good, I slip on my shoes, grab my purse and walk the three blocks to the nearest café.
    The Bean has a Caramel Macchiato that is sure to wake me up. I order the largest size and pair it with a Tuscan turkey wrap. The cashier writes my name on the tall plastic cup and I move to the line-up of people waiting for their orders to be made.
    The bell on the door dings just as a trio young men spill inside, laughter echoing around the small coffee shop. Everyone eyes them uncomfortably, taking in their blue clothing and rough exterior. Crips. I look at the three men, foolishly hoping that one is Derrick. My heart flips when my eyes land on the third man.
    Rushing forward, I grab his arm and pull him off to the side. “Tommy! I’ve been trying to reach you!” I keep talking,
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