Damaged (The Dark Billionaire, #6)

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Book: Damaged (The Dark Billionaire, #6) Read Online Free PDF
Author: L.N. Pearl
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Sex, sexy, Contemporary Romance, alpha male, Billionaire, workplace, office
many clubs in New York and you had to be in the same one, at the same time.”
    “I think this is karma. I’m being punished.”
    “Where are you now?”
    “I’m home but I can take a taxi to meet you...”
    “Oh no, don’t. I just had a fight with Shane.”
    “Oops, I’m sorry. I didn’t know he was here.”
    “He’s not. We always argue on the phone.”
    “I guess it wasn’t the best moment to call you but I had no one else to call.”
    “It’s okay. I’ll drive to see you. Driving will help me to calm down.”
    “Thank you very much, Vicky. I really appreciate.”
    Victoria arrived an hour later. She was wearing sweat pants and had no make-up, but she still looked pretty. She looked very different from the bossy manager Jennifer had been used to see during the week and it allowed her to relax. Vicky was less intimidating when she wasn’t wearing high-heels.
    “So what’s the problem?” Vicky said as she sat on the couch. “What happened with Enzo?”
    “We went further than a kiss but we didn’t do it.”
    “And Bruce knows.”
    “Not in details, but he saw me with Enzo. He’s not stupid.”
    “And what did Enzo say?”
    “He couldn’t say anything. He got his ass kicked by three bouncers who apparently were following orders...”
    “Yes. From Mr. Fancelli; your Enzo.”
    Vicky didn’t seem surprised. “So what happened then? Is he okay?”
    “Well, I was with him at the hospital, just to make sure he was fine and... there was that woman... Jesus, I feel so dirty.”
    Vicky rested her hand on Jennifer’s lap. “Calm down and explain to me.”
    “I had to go to the restroom and when I was back, Enzo was kissing Ashley Thompson. Can you believe it?”
    “ The Ashley Thompson? The cosmetic girl?”
    “Yes. I mean, he had someone else. He played with me. I betrayed Bruce and I got fooled.”
    Vicky closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Jennifer could feel that she was about to criticize her and braced herself.
    “Did you talk with Bruce?”
    “Briefly. He’s mad.”
    “Listen,” Victoria said slowly. “I’m not going to tell you how to live your life but you made a mistake. It happens. Now, what matters is what you’re going to do about it.”
    “Do you think that Bruce has been perfectly faithful and honest with you?”
    “I’m not sure.”
    “What do you do for a living?”
    Jennifer paused and looked at Vicky with wide eyes. It seemed like she had completely switched to another conversation.
    “Excuse me?”
    “You heard me; what do you do for a living?”
    “I... don’t understand what you mean. I thought we were talking about Bruce.”
    “Please, answer.”
    “Well, I’m trying to launch my business.”
    “How much progress so far?”
    Jennifer wasn’t sure whether Vicky was trying to help her or make her feel worse. “Vicky, what are you doing?”
    Victoria cleared her throat. “Jennifer. Don’t tell me that you still don’t understand how it works with men like Bruce?”
    “I see. You don’t.”
    “I don’t what? I don’t get it, what are you talking about?”
    “You know why Bruce can afford to fool around? That’s because he doesn’t feel in danger. You’re not a threat; you’re no match for him.”
    Jennifer said nothing, trying to understand. “Are you trying to make me cry?”
    “He can do whatever he wants,” Vicky said. “Do you understand? All you’ve been doing is follow him and help him. You didn’t fight for yourself, you gave him too much! Now, he’s too confident. It’s always like that with men. We’re nice and they take us for granted. In your case, it’s even worse; he’s a billionaire and you try to launch a business. You try but you don’t run anything yet.”
    Jennifer felt her throat getting tight as tears rushed to her eyes. It wasn’t such a good idea to talk to Victoria after all. “Are you trying to break me? Because it’s very effective...”
    Vicky took
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