Cursed in the Blood: A Catherine LeVendeur Mystery

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Book: Cursed in the Blood: A Catherine LeVendeur Mystery Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sharan Newman
think she’d be any more tractable the second time?”
    Edgar’s lips twitched. It was a cogent point. “Then why, by the two halves of Saint Basilla, do you want me to go back there and fight?” he shouted. “What good will I be to them? I was trained for the church. Do you think I’ll vanquish my brothers’ murderers with exempla?”
    “I want to send Solomon with you,” Hubert replied. “To negotiate with the king of Scotland and the abbots there for our spices in trade for wool. The Flemish and the Danes are the only merchants in Scotland now. But with the war in England the usual routes are closed and we might be able to find new markets. You know the customs, speak the language. You could be of help to him.”
    Edgar blinked. His father-in-law knew him better than he had realized. The appeal to family loyalty would have been only a repetition of Robert’s plea. But the prospect of being a part of Hubert’s work, that was intriguing. Still, there was something odd about this. It was too convenient. Edgar tried another gambit.
    “Catherine has said she won’t let me go without her,” he announced. If that didn’t put Hubert on his side, nothing would.
    To his astonishment, Hubert seemed pleased.
    “That would be an excellent idea,” he said. “It’s time Catherine met your family.”
    Edgar sat with a thump. “I don’t believe it,” he said. “You’re either mad or there’s something wrong.”
    “You’re right.” Hubert gave him a hand up. “Something is wrong. I need your help and we must keep Catherine from knowing.”
    “To the first you are welcome,” Edgar said. “As for the second, that will be much harder. Now tell me.”
    Hubert bit his upper lip, scraping it with his teeth in an effort to find the right words.
    “In joining my family,” he began slowly, “in accepting all of us, you’ve taken on a great burden, one, I admit, I’ve doubted you could carry. You think I believe you useless. That’s not true. I believe you to be dangerous.”
    Edgar was stung. Hadn’t he proved his loyalty many times over, not least on their recent journey to Spain? He reminded Hubert of this.
    “It’s one thing to stand by us far from home, where there is little chance of encountering anyone who could threaten our safety here,” Hubert answered sternly. “It’s another to risk being labeled a heretic or apostate by those who can destroy your life.”
    Edgar closed his eyes, pushing out the image of his mentor, Peter Abelard, forced to burn his own writings as heretical. It was too close to a vision of flames licking at his own feet, or Catherine’s. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes again.
    “I can defend myself and my wife against any charges,” he answered. “Far better that you could. The question is whether or not I would betray you. I resent your even asking it.”
    Hubert gazed at his son-in-law in surprise. Although Edgar wasn’t trained to be a soldier, he had been raised to lead, and the traditions of his class were woven into his being. In his world, betrayal was worse than apostasy.
    “I apologize,” Hubert said. “I’ll tell you everything and then you may do as you see fit.”
    It was Edgar’s turn to be surprised.
    Sometime later Catherine came in and found them huddled at the end of the room, speaking in whispers. They both looked up guiltily when they saw her.
    “Where’s the baby?” Edgar asked.
    “He’s been bathed, oiled and fed, and Willa is swaddling him,” Catherine told him. “Now may I join the discussion? I know it’s about me.”
    She waited. Hubert shrugged and went over to sit at the open window. Edgar felt abandoned.
    “Catherine,” he began, “I’ve decided to go back with Robert and—”
    “Don’t you two tell me I can’t come with you,” she interrupted. “I’ve thought of another eight reasons why I should.”
    “No,” Edgar said. “Your father and I agree that you and James will make the journey as
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