Cry Assassin

Cry Assassin Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cry Assassin Read Online Free PDF
Author: Loki Renard
put some certainty into the statement, but she failed.
    “Phil had no means of pulling twenty grand together, let alone two million. It wouldn't surprise me if he's already skipped the country,” Kirk said in flat, matter of fact tones. “It's only a matter of time before Vlad decides to settle his debts with you. Just how hard do you think you'll have to work to pay off twenty million?”
    “Then it doesn't matter, does it? Whether you stay or whether you go, it all ends the same way, so please leave me be.” She spoke stiffly, with the same closed demeanor she had used earlier in the day. Whether she believed him or not, she was no longer listening, no longer paying any real attention.
    “They will not take you from me,” Kirk said. “So we must go now and wait and see what happens next. Come along, don't be churlish.” He held out his hand to her as he spoke in clipped, authoritative tones. She hesitated, so he reached out and took the stiletto out of her hand. “Tell you what, as we're here, why don't you pack a few things. I'll wait.”
    Her resistance faded in the face of his certainty. She knew that she was in danger, being taped to a chair and watching her father blubber with fear earlier today told her that. All he had to do was keep playing on that and she'd do as she was told. Hopefully. He didn't want to have to delve into graphic detail about what awaited her if the Russians decided to use her to settle her father's debt. It didn't bear thinking about.
    Kirk stood by the front door and kept an eye on the hallway as she moved about the apartment, picking up little bits and pieces. She moved like a woman in a daze. “Hurry it up Evelyn,” he called softly. He didn't want to tarry here. It was a completely unsecured location and the pricking of his intuition told him that he wouldn't be the only one paying the apartment a visit. Not a minute later the sound of heavy boots falling on the stairs told him that he'd been correct. “Here we go,” he murmured to himself.
    Before the knuckles of the ham-fisted Russians could land on the door, he opened it in their faces. It was the same pair of gentlemen who had been working Phil over earlier that day. They weren't the sharpest tools in the shed, but they clearly knew their trade of intimidation well enough.
    “Hello,” Kirk ground out. “To what do I owe the honor?” He was always polite when dealing with these people. Always. It didn't matter whether they were meeting on friendly terms or whether it was an awkward moment like this, a moment that had the potential to turn suddenly violent.
    “Who's that?” Evelyn's voice came from behind him.
    “Just a couple of visitors, finish getting ready darling.” He allowed himself the overly familiar term because it gave him an air of possession. They weren't just coming for Phil's girl, they were coming for his girl and if they wanted her, they had to go through him first. All of this information was conveyed in that short sentence and the hard look that accompanied it.
    “Mr Vlad wants the girl,” the taller of the henchmen announced in flat tones. Nature had blessed him with striking blue eyes, but that was where her endowments had ended, or that was all that was left of them anyway. The man's nose was crooked from having been broken on several occasions, his ears were both swollen and cauliflowered from blows to the head and his skin was pockmarked and lined with scars. This was not a man to cross lightly. This was a man who knew what it was to fight for his life and win.
    “We agreed on a week. It has barely been three hours,” Kirk reminded him. “She is mine for the present.”
    Hard blue eyes bored into his own and for a second that seemed to hang for eternity, life and death was weighed in those eyes. If Kirk had shown even the slightest weakness, if his gaze had wavered for a second, if he had tried to appease them with a supplicating smile, they would have pushed him aside and taken her. Had he
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