
Crossroads Read Online Free PDF

Book: Crossroads Read Online Free PDF
Author: Irene Hannon
more. She had seen and felt firsthand things that the picture didn’t reveal. The caring and compassion in his insightful eyes. His ability to make you feel that your problems were his problems. The innate strength and sense of honor that seemed to radiate from his very core. His total dedication and commitment to his students. None of those things could be captured by a picture.
    Nor could his almost tangible virility. It awakened yearnings in her that had long lain dormant, yearnings she thought had slowly withered up and blown awaylike a once-beautiful autumn leaf. It was frightening—and intimidating—to discover that those yearnings could so unexpectedly be brought back to life. Not that it mattered, of course. Despite what Caroline had said, someone like Mitch Jackson would never give her a second look. Even if she wanted him to. Which she didn’t, she told herself firmly. The last thing she needed in her already complicated life was another complication. Or distraction. And she knew instinctively that Southfield High’s principal could definitely be both.
    Tess deliberately shifted her attention to the sketchy text that accompanied the photo. There wasn’t much in it that she didn’t already know. He’d been a cop earlier in his career, had moved to St. Louis two years ago, was a hands-on principal who believed in getting involved in the lives of his students. The only new piece of information she gleaned from the write-up was that prior to coming to St. Louis he’d lived in Chicago.
    Tess’s face grew thoughtful. Clearly there was a whole lot more to Mitch’s story. Whether or not he’d reveal it, however, remained to be seen. But she did seem to have a knack for getting people to open up and reveal more about themselves than they’d planned to. And she liked challenges, especially intriguing ones.
    Tess glanced back at Mitch’s picture. Intriguing was a good word for Southfield High’s principal. Other words came to mind as well, but she chose to ignore them. She didn’t have the time or inclination for romance, she reminded herself. What she did havewas a son to raise—a job that required her full-time attention. And she would do well to remember that.
    Tess glanced around the crowded meeting room, relieved to see that other parents also seemed to feel the need for more information about raising teenagers. It helped a bit to know that she wasn’t alone.
    Her quick scan revealed few available seats, but she spotted one in the middle of the last row and quickly made her way toward it. As she carefully edged past those already seated, trying not to step on toes as she went, she glanced at her watch. She’d made it with two minutes to spare.
    Tess was still settling in when a familiar voice over the microphone drew her startled gaze. She hadn’t expected Mitch to extend his workday by attending the evening meeting. Once more she was impressed by his dedication.
    â€œGood evening. For those of you I haven’t met, I’m Mitch Jackson, the principal,” he said, looking completely at ease in front of the crowd. “I’d like to welcome you to tonight’s program and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend. I think you’ll find it very worthwhile. As you know, we are extremely fortunate to have Chris Stevens on our staff, and even more fortunate that she agreed to make this presentation tonight. Let me review her credentials for you and I think you’ll agree.”
    As he did so, the resonant, well-modulated timbre of his voice reflected both warmth and competence. Despite his casual attire of open-necked shirt and sport jacket, he radiated a quiet confidence and authority that marked him for leadership and engendered respect. He seemed to be a man in absolute control of his life, who had found his place in the world and had his act together, Tess reflected.
    â€œAnd when Chris is
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