to be done with the chore as she was. Whining kids added their shrill voices to the chaos, making standing in the long lines to check out almost unbearable.
Julie spent most of her time in the produce area stocking up on fresh fruit and vegetables, then migrated to the frozen food section where she selected enough packaged meals to make it through the week. Some cheese, bread, milk, Greek yogurt and a last minute calorie splurge of a package of cream horns, and she joined the masses in line.
“Only a crazy person would shop on Saturday.”
Julie turned to see who was speaking and recognized Kate standing behind her. “Said the crazy woman in line behind me,” she answered with a smile. “How’s the acting going?” She had heard that Kate was keeping busy in local theater and an occasional TV commercial.
Kate’s beautiful face became sad. “Not so good. Heritage Square Music Hall is closing down at the end of this year, so I’ll be out of a job.”
“Closing for good? That’s awful. I’ve been to only a couple of their shows, but I really enjoyed them.”
“They’re the most talented group of people I’ve ever met, but the economy has hurt their attendance.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Julie told her. “But I’m sure you’ll find another job quickly.”
“I have an audition for a film that will be shooting in Denver in the spring.”
“Are you still hoping to get something in L.A.?” Julie had heard that Kate’s original goal had been to build her resume in Denver, then move to California or New York where the opportunities were more plentiful.
Julie’s expression softened. “I have to admit that I’m not as motivated as I was. Now that Sam is back to work, I’ve realized how much I would miss him if I was away too long. If I can keep busy here, I’m happy.”
“Sam is definitely one of the good guys,” Julie agreed.
Kate nodded. “I know. Hey, we’re having a barbecue at Rusty’s apartment tomorrow to watch the game. Why don’t you come over and join us?”
“No, I’m on-call tonight,” Julie answered quickly. “My weekends are usually a little unpredictable.”
“We’d love to have you. There’ll be plenty of food, and you probably know almost everyone who’ll be there.”
“Maybe next time.” Julie moved up in line and was relieved to be distracted by unloading her groceries onto the conveyor belt.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Kate promised.
Julie paid for her purchases and called a last farewell to Kate. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Kate or Sam or any of the others. They were as close to friends as she had, but that was close enough. Julie kept to herself, spending long hours at work and enjoying her handiwork at home the rest of the time.
She had once been much more outgoing and had been very popular in high school and college. That had all changed when she fell in love her junior year at University of Connecticut. Julie pushed those thoughts from her mind. The bad memories outweighed the good. She had found it was easier to be happy in an environment she could control.
“What’s wrong with you people?” The pretty petite brunette shivered and wrapped her scarf around her neck. “It’s December, for God’s sake. Time to take the party indoors.”
“The Wilson brothers have pure adrenalin instead of blood running through their veins,” Kate snuggled against Sam’s warm body, and he obligingly wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her even closer. She didn’t seem to mind the brisk air as long as she was with him.
The temperature on the outside patio of Rusty’s condo was a balmy thirty-five degrees. It had stopped snowing Saturday morning, but it hadn’t warmed up enough for it to start melting. Denver’s weather was one of the great urban myths of all times. People who didn’t live there thought that it snowed all winter and there were mounds of the white stuff on the ground constantly. The truth was that Denver’s climate
Anderson Cooper, Gloria Vanderbilt