Creeping Shadow (The Rise of Isaac, Book One)

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Book: Creeping Shadow (The Rise of Isaac, Book One) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Caroline Peckham
smooth and velvety and her smile revealed a set of brilliant, white teeth.
    "We're looking for Ely," Oliver said, watching the strangers over her shoulder who were beginning to whisper amongst themselves.
    "Oh, you must be his grandchildren. He's been telling us all about you. I believe he's in the dining room." She gestured to a doorway behind her.
    "Thanks," Oliver said vaguely, retracting his gaze from the group.
    They walked through the doorway and pushed past a trio of older men who were dressed in business suits. There were others gathered around a long dining table, piled high with food. The lighting was dim but not dark enough to hide the strange looks they received as they crossed the room.
    Ely was sat on a red, chintzy sofa with a plate of food on his lap. He spotted them just before they sat down next to him.
    "You must be hungry. Grab a plate and have whatever you want. The broccoli quiche is delicious," he said, gesturing to the buffet.
    Oliver's stomach rumbled but he was too curious to eat just yet. "Ely, who are all these people?" he asked in a low voice.
    Ely smiled. "They're just some friends and acquaintances." He stuffed a cocktail sausage into his mouth with a shrug. "Lots of people come visiting here. Grab a plate." He gestured to the food again.
    Oliver frowned and gazed around at the party. He stood and heard May follow him as he approached the table, picked up a plate and filled it. As he returned to his seat a thought occurred to him.
    "Are any of these people related to us?" he asked his grandfather curiously.
    Ely shook his head and Oliver felt dejected.
    "Will we get a chance to meet any other family?" May asked him eagerly as she swallowed a mouthful.
    "Um, probably not. No," Ely said in a high pitched voice then cleared his throat and continued to eat.
    "Why not?" Oliver asked in frustration.
    "Well, my children live quite far away, you see? I rarely get to see them myself." He sipped at a glass of red wine as he spoke, avoiding eye contact with them.
    "Wait, how many children do you have ?" May asked.
    "Four," Ely said airily.
    " Four? We have three aunts and uncles we've never even heard of?" Oliver asked incredulously.
    "Yes. There's your uncle Pilford, who I mentioned earlier, then your uncle Eugene. And, um, well, your mum's twin sister, Laura." Ely downed the remainder of his wine.
    " What? " Oliver blurted, sharing a shocked look with May.
    Ely continued to stuff food into his mouth so there was little opportunity for him to respond. Oliver narrowed his eyes at him. "Did Mum fall out with the family, then?" he pressed.
    "Something like that," Ely said, getting to his feet. "I better just see how everyone's getting along," he muttered as he walked away.
    Oliver raised his eyebrows at May.
    "Mum has a twin ," she said disbelievingly.
    Oliver nodded, feeling dazed. He looked closer at the people standing around the room. The group they had bumped into in the kitchen were chatting animatedly at one end near the men in business suits, a cluster of teenagers were whispering together in one corner and a pale-faced lady was standing alone, hovering by the buffet.
    One of the teenagers noticed him watching them. She had long, black hair which she curled around a finger as she spoke to the red-haired girl beside her. They both glanced at Oliver and May then burst into a fit of giggles. The two of them moved away from their group and started talking excitedly.
    "We should speak to those girls," Oliver said suddenly.
    "Why? They were laughing at us," May said, gazing stubbornly away from them.
    He nudged her. "Which is exactly why we should talk to them. Find out what's so damn funny."
    May grinned and raised her eyebrows at him in challenge. "Okay, after you."
    Oliver placed his plate beside him on the sofa, stood up and walked over to the girls.
    They started as they spotted him approaching and he felt a distinct feeling of satisfaction at riling them.
    "Hi, I'm Oliver, this is my sister May," he
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