Creatures of Snow
chose to leave the
Living realm. The selfless race of beings, born to the Havens, who
chose to take on living bodies to guide us, protect us, heal us,
all without asking anything in return. They watched over us for
centuries, but eventually, even their saintly patience wore thin,
and they were driven away by man’s greed, violence and contempt.”
Manix’s voice echoed through the hushed and captivated
    Sky saw a sea of bobbing
heads, nodding in agreement. He had heard stories of the Mass
Exodus of Iko’s – they had left without warning, almost overnight.
A few of the younger ones stayed behind, not quite ready to give up
on humanity, his father included. Zeph and Ixanna, other members of
his ‘extended family’, were some of the only antiquity ones to not
cross over. Of the two Haven races, the Iko’s were truly immortal
as far as he knew; with powers that far exceeded that of any being
born in the Living realm.
    “It’s sad to say, but
mankind would rather forget the gift they once had.” Dr. Manix
spoke slower now, his tone utterly sincere, “But, not here at the
center of REALM. We choose to embrace our history, and learn from
the past mistakes. When the Haven races call to us, we will answer.
And that is exactly what we did.” Manix paused again, letting his
eyes scan the crowd, “When Dr. Zeph, came to us some years back and
proposed what sounded like a ludicrous idea…we didn’t refuse him,
no, we listened.” Dr. Manix gestured dramatically to Zeph. “And so
began the top secret agreement between REALM and the ILA Institute.
After seven long and arduous years of planning, this project is now
ready for unveiling.” With a twitch of his finger the lights dimmed
and the repetitive images on the hover screen dissipated. “Project
Moira.” Dr. Manix’s voice cut through the hanging silence. “A
project dedicated to the successful transport of humans into the
other Levels.” Dr. Manix let a coy smile sneak across his lips as
murmurs and gasps began like a wave across the crowd.
    Sky lost the ability to breathe voluntarily.
Had he heard him right? Al’s elbow was instantly in his ribs with a
look of exasperation that rivaled his own.
    “ You heard that too,
right?” Al finally choked out.
    “Freaking amazing.” Ruth
had clenched her fists and nodded her head with an intense stare as
she leaned forward in her seat. “This is what we’ve been working
towards,” She turned a glowing face towards them.
    Al‘s face still hadn‘t
found a way to express his emotion, so Ruth looked passed him to
find Sky’s eyes. “Wouldn’t that be something? To be chosen as a
traveler?” She shook her head and pushed her oversized glasses back
up her nose, “They’ll be heroes! Breaking boundaries, exploring the
uncharted...” She gave a little laugh and raised her eyebrows in a
moony, whimsical fashion, “Oh, that would be a dream.”
    “I’ve put together a brief
presentation of what this project will entail and some of the new
duties that will be assigned, amongst our more developed research
teams. But first, Professor Blanks here will be going over Axis, a
wonderful new program we are introducing into our Academies.” Manix
called out over the din. The quiet conversations quickly died out
and the room was silent again as Dr. Manix switched the image to a
proud display of the projects name, “I will now turn the podium
over to Professor Blanks for this part of the lecture.”
    Professor Blanks got up
from his chair slowly with his unchanged expression of mild boredom
and proceeded to center stage. He looked to be a man in his mid
forties, his full head of dull, sandy hair was neatly trimmed in a
common style and his suit was a boring, dusty brown. His whole
demeanor seemed somewhat bland, as he began to speak in a regulated
monotone voice that was completely lost to Sky’s reeling
    Although he had found his
breath, his heart had yet to find a steady rhythm. A project seven years in the
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