Cowboy Christmas (A Henley Christmas Novella) (Down Under Cowboy series)

Cowboy Christmas (A Henley Christmas Novella) (Down Under Cowboy series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cowboy Christmas (A Henley Christmas Novella) (Down Under Cowboy series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kasey Millstead
tremble.  I take that as my moment to step forward and take the gun in my own jittery hands.  She lets it go easily and I step back, taking a deep breath.
    Then, she begins to cry.
    “Best you leave and never come back, if you know what’s good for you,” I hear Dory snarl at Dannika.
    “Yes,” Dannika whispers before bolting out of the bathroom.
    “Are you okay?”  I ask Sara.
    “I will be,” she replies, determinedly.  She sucks in a deep breath and wipes her wet cheek dry.
    “Well, that was some excitement,” Dory mutters.
    “Excitement we could do without,” Rhonda mutters back.
    “You okay, Edie?”
    “I’m fine,” I answer truthfully.
    “Okay, well why don’t you go on back to Jackson.  I’ll help Sara home and Rhonda can go back to her piano duties,” Dory says.
    “Okay, if you’re sure?”
    “Positive, love.  Go on back to your husband.”
    “Thanks, Dory. See you out there, Rhonda.  Uh, nice to meet you, Sara.”
    I breath a deep sigh of relief when I leave the bathroom.  My hand unconsciously goes to my bump and run my hand over it.  My baby gives a kick and I thank my lucky stars he’s okay.
    “Was the line long, Ace?  You took forever.”
    “I’ll fill you in when we get home,” I answer.
    He sits up straight.  “What happened?” He demands.
    “Now isn’t the time, baby.  I’ll tell you when we get home, okay?” I stroke the stubble over his cheek.
    “Everything okay?” Ava asks.
    “Fine,” I smile.  “I’ll fill you in later.”
    “Okey doke.”
    I snuggle back into Jackson and Olive makes herself at home on my lap by curling herself around my bump, and we sing the final carols of the night.
    “What the fuck?”  Jackson shouts when I tell him about my encounter with Dannika.
    “Jackson, it’s fine. I’m okay.  Please calm down.”  I try my best to placate him, but he’s pacing up and down, running his fingers roughly through his hair.
    “Calm down?  Are you fucking serious right now, Edie?  Jesus Christ.  You could have been hurt.  You could have been shot.   The stress could have sent you into labour!”  He slams his fist down on the table before bending over and leaning his hands on his knees, breathing deeply.
    “Yes, baby all of that could have happened. But it didn’t. ”
    “Fuck,” he swear s, drawing in a ragged breath.  My heart cracks a little and I walk over to him.  Wrapping my arms around his head, I pull him into my chest to soothe him.
    “It okay.  We’re okay.”
    “What the fuck was Sara thinking?” He asks himself…I think.
    “She’s hurt, babe.  People who are hurt do things they wouldn’t normally do.”
    “Still doesn’t excuse her putting you in the middle.”
    “No, it doesn’t.  But what’s done is done and now we need to move forward.”
    “Love you, Ace.  A life without you in it, doesn’t bear thinking about.  Couldn’t live without you, darlin’.”
    “I know exactly what you mean, Jackson.  Because I couldn’t live a day without you.”  I bring my lips down on his and all is forgotten as our tongues tangle together.

Chapter 6
    I slam the car door shut and carry all my bags inside.  It’s two days until Christmas and I’ve spent the day shopping in Darwin. Thankfully, Jackson took Olive to work this morning and I’ve been able to do all the shopping by myself.  The mall was packed to the hilt and I’m so grateful I didn’t have to take Olive out in the heat and the crowds.
    I unlock the front door and unload the bags onto the bench.  I sigh as the cool air from the air conditioner hits my face.  Then, I set about wrapping everyone’s gifts.
    Four hours and thirty meters of wrapping paper later, I stick the last name tag on the last present.
    Thank god Christmas only comes once a year!
    I arrange all the presents under the tree and collapse on the lounge.
    Ten minutes later, I’m fast asleep.
    “Look at mummy, she’s fast asleep,” I vaguely hear
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