C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation

C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation Read Online Free PDF

Book: C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dustin J. Palmer
Tags: Urban Fantasy/Vampires
looked,” John chuckled.
    “ Wow. I didn’t know that.”
    “ But, Jake, that’s not why I helped him,” John leaned back in his chair, a toothpick between his teeth. "Sometimes people just need an act of kindness to help them get through the day. This world is a hard place to live in and there’s a lot more to it than money, son. You can always make more money. But a good friend, someone that will watch your back when things get bad," he grew quiet for several long seconds, his eyes wandering across the room. He cleared his throat then continued. "That will get you a job when your family needs to eat, that will loan you twenty bucks when you need to get drunk. Someone like that . . . well, a friend like that is worth all the money in the world.”
    Jake had been so wrapped up in his own family's problems that he hadn’t considered that maybe somewhere, someone else was even worse off. Someone like Marty White. He felt a sharp pang of guilt for the things he'd said about him.
    "You done, buddy?"  John asked, starting to clear the table.
    "Yeah I'm done," Jake said, eying the cigarette ashes swimming in his thin brown gravy. Man, poor Mr. White, he thought back, remembering the many barbecues they’d had when Marty had brought his family over. His oldest daughter had always had a crush on Jake. So he'd spent many of those afternoons being chased by her, I wonder what happened to her?
    Sweat dripped down into the corner of his eye burning him terribly. He wiped at it with his hand. I bet wherever she's at they have air conditioning! He thought angrily.
    "Dad?"  Jake asked wiping his sweaty brow with his napkin, making sure another drop didn't blind him completely.
    "Yeah, bud?” John asked sitting back down in his black metal folding chair. “What's up?"
    He hated to ask but he just couldn’t help it. Sure Marty White may have been in a worse situation, but that didn’t change the fact that it was still hot in the house. "Dad . . . when is the air conditioner going to get fixed?"
    John let out a loud sigh.  "I don't know, Jake."
    He instantly felt guilty for asking. "It's just so hot!  You'd think once the sun started to set it would cool off some, but it hasn’t at all!" His explanation turned into one long rant. “Sorry.” he said, lowering his eyes.
    "No it’s okay,” John nodded, giving his son a comforting smile. "Yeah, I know what you mean.  It's been very hot this year.  Too stinking hot. The AC couldn’t have picked a worse time to go out."
    "I wish we could just move back into our old house,” Jake laid his head on his crossed arm. “I really miss that place.”
    "Well we can't,” John said, his face growing serious. "For now this is the best we can do."
    Jake sat there quietly, not wanting to harp on the issue any further. His dad had enough on his mind.  Getting up from the table, he walked over and gave him a hug.  "It's alright, Dad.  I know you're doing your best."
    John’s shoulders relaxed and he ruffled Jake’s shaggy brown hair.  "You're a good boy, Jake."
    "Thanks, Dad,” he smiled.
    "Alright, kiddo.  Go brush your teeth, take a bath, and get ready for bed."
    "Oh come on, Dad, it's Thursday!” Jake said, playfully shaking his dad’s shoulders.  “You know what comes on tonight?" He had to play this just right or he would miss the best show to come on all week.
    John laughed. "You know I can't let you watch that.  Your mom will kill me if she finds out.  Besides, last time you had nightmares for three nights in a row."
    "I only had nightmares that one night!" Jake defended himself. That wasn’t entirely true. He had nightmares for a week after watching it, but his dad didn’t need to know that.  "Besides, who says Mom has to know," he said with a sly grin.
    John rose out of his chair and picked Jake up one handed, throwing him over his shoulder. “Ahhh!” Jake cried out in mock terror. “Dad! I’m too old for that!” He laughed.
    “ You’re never too old to
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