Cookie Cutter

Cookie Cutter Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cookie Cutter Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jo Richardson
reaches out and I balance the platter with one hand and slap his fingers with the other while I find words. A word that is.
    “Ow.” He pulls his hand away, like a child getting reprimanded, only when we make eye contact again, he doesn’t seem child like to me.
    I wouldn’t say he’s angry. He doesn’t exactly laugh, either. And his eyes gleam as he stares at me. I hate his eyes almost as much as I hate his teeth. Maybe more. Dammit, I’m staring, again.
    “They’re for Ally’s class,” I tell him. “Fundraiser, I mean bake sale.” I fumble my words. He’s so frustrating.
    “Ally? Oh, your daughter.” A light bulb goes off over his head
    “Who else?” I’m not sure why I snap at him like that.
    He studies me for a brief moment, then the cookies. His mouth turns upward on one side like he’s debating whether he should devour them anyway.
    Or me.
    The thought of Carter Blackwood devouring me sneaks into my thoughts and I literally choke at where my thoughts went. Then I nearly drop the cookies – again.
    “Shit, are you okay?” he asks.
    Carter grabs the tray from me with one hand and holds me up with the other while I try to breathe in between sputters. Gail, the six foot something, two hundred pound or so vice principal of Ally’s school, rushes out from behind the front desk when she hears the commotion and pushes my neighbor out of the way.  I reach for the cookies but Carter steps away and Gail now has her long, strong arms wrapped tightly around my midsection from behind and is punching me in the diaphragm as hard as she can.
    I’m panicked. Not only because I’m not actually choking on anything that needs to come up out of my body but I’m worried Carter is going to disappear with my cookies during the chaos. Regardless, as Gail works her talents on my midsection, I groan and cough and try my best not to puke up my breakfast.
    “I don’t think she--” Ah. Carter hasn’t made a get-a-way. I’m slightly relieved, in between heaves, that is.
    “I’m a trained professional young man, stand back.” Gail instructs Carter as she lifts me into the air and pumps my stomach again.
    My neighbor looks on in horror as my daughter’s vice principal gives me the Heimlich and I cannot get a word out to tell her, I’m not choking, I’m just . . . choking.
    “G--” I manage to cough out but it’s not enough.
    Carter makes another attempt to explain.
    “I really think she was just--”
    “I’ve . . . got . . . this.” Gail grunts as she tries to free the non-existent lodged food from my system.
    Only by a stroke of sheer luck am I afforded enough air to speak and I yell as loud as my voice will let me. “Gail!”
    She lets go and I fall to my knees. I’m weak from struggling against her.
    “Did you see it?” she asks the onlookers. “Did you see the food come out? She could still be choking.”
    She comes at me, again, determined. I hold my hand up from the ground to stop her from assaulting me again and I gasp for more air. “I’m not . . . choking, Gail.”
    A hand lowers, offering to help me up and I take it.
    “Technically, you were choking.” Carter whispers as I come into a full standing position. If I could shoot lasers with my eyes right now. He’d be dead.
    “Okay people, you heard the woman,” Gail hollers to the crowd, waving them along. “Nobody’s choking here. Go on about your business.”
    I’m still holding Carter’s hand as Gail leans in to me. I pull it away. I’d hate for her to get the wrong idea. There’s nothing going on between us, after all.
    She’s quieter now. “You sure you’re okay Iris? I can have Tilly take a look at you if you want.”
    Tilly is the school nurse.  I don’t need a nurse, I need a drink. I shake my head and swallow properly this time.
    “I’m fine, Gail.” I’m still trying to get my breathing to regulate.
    With a nod of her head, she turns and leaves to go make sure order is restored in her school and I’m
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