Confessions of a Teen Nanny 03 - Juicy Secrets

Confessions of a Teen Nanny 03 - Juicy Secrets Read Online Free PDF

Book: Confessions of a Teen Nanny 03 - Juicy Secrets Read Online Free PDF
Author: Victoria. Ashton
I'm still not going to let you hurl yourself out into the street."

    "I am not leaving the city with you," Adrienne said firmly. "Much less the country."

    "You're really something,Adrienne," Graydon said. "A lot of girls would be thrilled to go out with me." He shook his head. "Fine, so you're not, and I know it. I forced you into this, but you might at least try to have a good time. You'll never have to do it again. Besides, you might actually have fun. I'm not such an ogre."

    "Jury's still out on that," Adrienne muttered.

    36 G O T TA TA K E T H I S

    Graydon slid farther away from her on the seat. He held up his hands in an "I surrender" gesture. "I'm cool, Queen of all Nannies. Just relax, okay?"

    "Ooooh-kay,"Adrienne said cautiously."So, where are we going?"

    "I told you," Graydon said, his devilish smile returning. "Moscow!"


    Moscow on the Hudson

    A drienne kept her eyes on the streets outside, trying to figure out where on earth Graydon was taking her.

    What is he up to? she wondered as they rode over a bridge from Manhattan into Brooklyn.Adrienne's stomach churned as she watched the streets grow dark and deserted. She peered out the windows, trying to get her bearings. She moved as far from Graydon as she could, fear making her throat tight. Will the chauffeur help me if Graydon tries something awful?

    The signs on the stores indicated they were now in Brighton Beach, a neighborhood far out in Brooklyn-- nearly to the ocean. As the Rolls slowed, Adrienne didn't see any beach--all she saw was enormous, deserted- looking warehouses.

    I've watched enough CSI with Emma to know that this totally looks like the scene of a crime, Adrienne thought.

    "That's it," Adrienne said firmly. "I've had enough!

    38 M O S C O W O N T H E H U D S O N

    Where are we? What are we doing out here?"

    "You'll see," Graydon said.

    Graydon's little mysterious act seriously pissed her off. "Tell me or I won't get out," Adrienne threatened.

    "Fine!" Graydon threw up his hands."This is only the hottest, coolest, little-known famous club in Brighton Beach!" He rolled his eyes. "I wanted to surprise you."

    The car drove around one of the dark warehouses and parked. Adrienne now saw that the building up ahead wasn't empty. In fact, there was a crowd at the entrance.

    "You should have told me," Adrienne said.

    "What did you think I was planning?" Graydon asked. He looked at her expression and added, "On second thought--don't answer that."

    They walked up to the brightly lit entrance. Dozens of well-dressed couples stood outside, waiting to be allowed in. The women were model-thin, and all seemed to be draped in Versace or Dolce & Gabbana, the men in hip suits.

    The bouncer spotted Graydon and immediately lifted the velvet rope. "Meester Varner!" he greeted in a heavy Russian accent. "Good eeevininng!"

    That's right, Adrienne thought, remembering what she knew about Brighton Beach. There's a big Russian immigrant population out here.

    "Dobrei vecher!" Gradyon replied, shaking his hand.

    39 C O N F E S S I O N S O F A T E E N N A N N Y

    Graydon speaks Russian? Adrienne stared at him.

    When they entered the huge space, Adrienne gawked at the surroundings.The place was an old movie palace, and the gilded balcony still stretched around the room. The former orchestra area was now a huge dance floor sur- rounded by tables and chairs, and the band and DJ were up on the old stage. The room was packed: rich-looking Russians with their model-type girlfriends were doing shots at the bar or dancing, or nibbling appetizers. A smattering of older couples sat at tables looking like regulars enjoying the Russian atmosphere. The tables were covered with so many bottles of vodka and champagne and sumptuous hors d'oeuvres that Adrienne was surprised they didn't collapse.

    "I told you we were going to Moscow!" Graydon shouted over the loud music. "It's something, huh?"

    It sure is, Adrienne thought. She caught sight of her- self
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