
Condemnation Read Online Free PDF

Book: Condemnation Read Online Free PDF
Author: Richard Baker
    “I thought Netherese cities floated in the air, and were completely destroyed by some magical cataclysm,” Danifae replied. “How could anything like this still stand?”
    “It could have been one of the successor states,” Halisstra said, “built after the great mythallars of the old Netherese cities failed. They would share many of the same architectural features, but would have been more mundane, less magical.”
    “There’s writing up there,” Danifae said, pointing at the facade of a crumbled building. “There … above the columns.”
    Halisstra followed Danifae’s gesture. “Yes,” she said. “That’s Netherese.”
    “You can read it?” Danifae asked.
    “I have studied several languages—the common tongue of the surface, High Netherese, Illuskan, even some of the speech of dragons,” Halisstra replied. “Our libraries contain fascinating histories and potent lore recorded in languages other than drow. I developed the habit of studying such things over a century ago, when I believed I might find some forgotten spell or secret that might prove useful against my rivals. As it turned out, I found little of that sort of thing, but I did find that I enjoyed learning for its own sake.”
    “What does it say, then?”
    “I’m not sure of some of the words, but I think it reads, ‘High Hall of Justice, Hlaungadath—In Truth’s Light No Lies Abide.’ “
    “What a simpleminded sentiment.”
    Halisstra indicated the ruins around them and said, “You can see how far it got them. I know that name, though, Hlaungadath. I have seen maps of the surface world. Valas’s estimate of our location was accurate.”
    “Even a male can do something right from time to time,” Danifae said.
    Halisstra smiled and turned away to scan the ruins for any other sites of interest.
    Something tawny and quick ducked swiftly out of sight. Halisstra froze on the instant, staring hard at the spot where she’d seen it, a gap in a masonry wall a short distance away. Nothing moved there, but from another direction came the sound of rubble shifting. Without looking away, she touched Danifae’s arm.
    We’re not alone here, she signed. Back to the others—quickly.
    Together, they backed away from the court of justice and out into the street again. As they turned to retrace their steps, something long and low, covered with sand-colored scales, slid out into the boulevard. Its stubby wings clearly could never support it in flight, but its powerful talons and gaping jaws were much more developed. The dragon paused and raised up its head for a better look at the two drow on the street before it, and it hissed in delight. It was easily fifty feet from nose to tail, a hulking, powerful creature whose eyes gleamed with cunning and malice.
    “Lolth protect us!” Danifae gasped.
    The two women backed away in a new direction, at a right angle to the palace where their companions waited. The dragon followed leisurely, sinuously winding from side to side as it paced after them.
    “It’s herding us away from the others,” Halisstra snarled.
    She sensed hard stone behind her, and risked a quick glance backward. They were pinned against a building, sliding alongside it as they tried to keep their distance from the monster. A dark alleyway gaped just a few feet away. Halisstra hesitated for a heartbeat, then grasped Danifae by the wrist and darted into the narrow opening at the best speed she could manage.
    Something waited for them in the shadows of the alley. Before Halisstra could skid to a stop, a tall golden creature reared up before her, half lion, half woman, beautiful and graceful. With a cold, cruel smile, the lion-woman reached out her hand and caressed Halisstra’s cheek. Her touch was cool, soothing, and in an instant Halisstra felt her fear, her determination, her very willpower drain softly away. Vaguely she reached up to push the creature’s hand away from her face.
    “Don’t be afraid,” the creature said
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