Color Me Love

Color Me Love Read Online Free PDF

Book: Color Me Love Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tonya Kappes
because I had to pull my old Toyota into the
overflow parking area in a grassy field next to the gravel parking lot. I
scanned the license plates on the cars as I drove by and there were many out-of-state
As soon as I got out of my car, I stepped into what looked like a pie. Not an
edible pie. . .a cow pie.
dragged the bottom of my shoe in the grass, hoping get off the stinky poo. Off
in the distance, an orange glow was coming from one of the white rocking chairs
on the long front porch. And it became orangier the closer I got.
aura gave it away.
really made my stomach churn. I had to wonder what type of daredevil stunt he
had in mind.
Kenevil was an orange, and we all know where that got him.
walked up to the steps on the long country porch. Buddy slowly sat up on the edge
of his chair.
the rockers were taken and all eyes were staring at me. For a brief moment, I
thought I was at a Cracker Barrel Restaurant.
Buddy.” I tried not to make eye contact in fear of passing out.
wasn’t passing out that frightened me, it was falling in shit.
ten-gallon cowboy hat was definitely not a good look for him, but he didn’t
care. He was dressed for the part.
can’t be Jennifer.” He said.
was disappointment in his face and in his voice.
    Great! I
if couldn’t get Buddy to remotely think I was attractive, there was no way in
hell Joel would glance twice at me.
stared at him and began to laugh hysterically.
Buddy looked down at his ridiculous metal belt buckle and then down to his
wanted to tell him he looked like a big pumpkin with a cowboy hat on, but I
William.” I put my hand over my mouth to contain my smile. “Yes, I’m Jenn. .
put my hand out for a friendly shake. That’s the least I could do, but he stuck
his hands in his 501’s.
go by Buddy, and was looking for a black convertible Mercedes, not a beat up. .
.” Buddy glanced over my shoulder.
I finished his sentence.
is that what that is?” His nose curled as if my Toyota smelled worse than the
ranch. He looked me up and down. “Did you lie on your Color Me Love profile?”
I’m Jennifer and my Mercedes is in the shop.” I lied. Man, did Erin owe me.
“That’s my gardener’s car. I didn’t want to stand you up.”
crossed his arms. “The outfit? I told Erin it was dude ranch, not garbage clean
maid was out sick and hasn’t gotten my laundry finished.” I still loved my
ratty old sweatshirt with the coffee stain.
never thought to change my clothes.
Buddy wasn’t too impressed. “You could’ve at least worn boots since you knew we
were going to be roping steer.”
steer? This
was getting worse by the minute. Erin really was going to owe me big time.
rolled back on the heels of my tennies. They were a bit old and dingy, but it
was Buddy, for crying out loud.
sorry, fashion prince . Your skin-tight jeans weren’t on your profile
either. Besides, I picked you when I could’ve picked a lot of better looking
guys.” I crossed my arms to match his stance. “Maybe this isn’t going to work
think you are right, and Erin was wrong about you.” He pointed his finger at me,
and then turned.
rocking chairs squeaked as the other people on the porch slowly rocked, all of
them staring at me.
with me, William!” I screamed into the air and stomped down the front steps
back to the grassy parking lot.
name is Buddy !” He yelled back through gritted teeth as he brushed past
me heading to the barn.
was right. Buddy was a no and so was his cranky aura. I just saved super secret
client, Jennifer’s ass.
got in my Toyota, making sure I jumped over the present one of those steers had
left for me. I looked in my rear-view mirror just in time to see a guy being
thrown from a bucking
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