Calhan University, her sights set on a job with the Birmingham Zoo a state over. She was supposed to marry that scrawny little dude with the ’fro haircut. Hell, maybe they’d have a kid or two by now, and he and Narelle would sit for them on Friday nights so they could catch a movie at the dollar theater. Em loved the dollar theater.
Thadius paced, flipped his phone over in his pocket.
Instead, that bastard took them both away from him. Well, technically just Emily, but Narelle went, too. Thadius would never forgive the bastard.
For that matter, he’d never forgive himself.
• • •
“Y ou yelled for help just before you were shot. You don’t remember seeing anything, anyone after that, Mr. Waters?”
Sebastian’s eyelashes felt glued together, but he forced himself to stay awake. Pain had flared in his left side as the morphine wore off, and before he could stop her, the nurse had given him another shot to take the edge off. Because of that, the interview with the police was technically off the record. The questions thus far had been cursory, since they figured they already knew any information he might provide. If only they realized what he might reveal in his drugged state. One foggy slip and they would have the interview of their lives.
“Nothing else I can remember,” Sebastian muttered. Isaac always said less was better—unless it wasn’t .
The detective pocketed his moleskin notebook. “That’s all we need for now, but please call if you think of anything. We can’t officially tell you how to handle the media, but I suggest keeping a low profile.” He coughed. “As low a profile you can keep. You’re headlining the news now. The—er—incident is headlining, I mean. They’ll follow you, hang out in your front yard. Point is you don’t want to draw attention to yourself for obvious reasons.”
The detective walked toward the door, and Sebastian’s head lolled over on the pillow. God, he needed to sleep. “You mean the other shooter, huh?”
Luckily, the slurred quality of his voice made the note of bitterness sound like fear. Not much on the news about him at all.
The detective turned back, looked him in the eye. “Yes. Unfortunately.”
“Gotcha. No media,” Sebastian said. He already knew about the damned media. All part of the process.
“Feel better soon, Mr. Waters,” the detective replied.
Sebastian finally let his eyes flutter closed as the man left him in peace.
• • •
O h, boy. They were on the run now.
Isaac sat in the box, daydreaming of popping off the rounds in the theme park. That high was nothing compared to his discussions thus far with Dr. Ramey. He hadn’t expected things to be so enjoyable before the main event began. Woman had it.
Like mother, like daughter.
By now, Sebastian would’ve been questioned, cleared. This time tomorrow he’d be on his way home. Of course, Isaac could ask how Sebastian Waters was doing, but showing interest in his victims wouldn’t help his cause, would it? Right now, they didn’t suspect. Best to keep it that way.
Behavioral Analysis Unit hadn’t arrived yet, though. The real test was about to begin.
J enna rubbed her temples with both hands. She followed the path toward the main police station intake. Moose could’ve led the BAU team to the box, but when Hank texted her that he was five minutes out, Jenna volunteered instead. She needed the air.
They’d have to give Isaac a call. Not really a way around it.
Hank swung the door open as Jenna entered the lobby. For a short second their eyes met, and Jenna caught the splay of hazel around his pupil that matched Ayana’s. She’d gotten the eyes from him, all right.
In the next moment Jenna shook it off. This wasn’t the time.
“Jenna,” he said, curt, though his eyes said something different before they, too, broke free. He indicated the boxy brown woman about Jenna’s age who was trailing him. “Agent Saleda Ovarez, this is Dr. Jenna
Heidi Hunter, Bad Boy Team