Cold Pressed

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Book: Cold Pressed Read Online Free PDF
Author: JJ Marsh
now..." Her voice cracked
and tears clouded her vision. Two bodies bundled close and draped arms around
her back. She sniffed and yanked a tissue from her sleeve.
    "Sorry, sorry. I know this is a problem of my own
making. But I really don't know why things have to change. We've been happy
like this for ages, so why rock the boat? I don't want to be a Devon housewife,
tending courgettes and making jam and joining the Women’s Institute. The very
thought makes me hyperventilate. What the hell is the matter with the man? I
don't know why he would propose now."
    No one spoke for a few seconds. Beatrice thought back to one
of her mother's favourite sayings, 'Old age don't come alone'.
    Holger cleared his throat. "Are you sure you don’t know
    She shook her head. "No, I do."
    Adrian raised his eyebrows. "I think you'll find the
generally accepted expression is just 'I do'. Might come in handy one of these
    Beatrice gave a profound sigh. "Two little words that
could change everything."
    Adrian leaned forward to catch Holger's eye. "And you
call me a drama queen?"
    Taxi booked, online check-in complete, case packed and
alarm set, Beatrice began preparing herself for bed. She was brushing her teeth
when the phone rang.
    " Stubbs, Hamilton here. All set for tomorrow?"
    "Yes sir. It doesn't seem especially complex. Is this
more an exercise in cooperation?"
    " Yes and no. The fellow at the helm is new to the
game and his grasp of the lingo is not the best. You’re there as mentor. Play
second fiddle, guide him in the right direction and only step in if he looks
liable to bugger it up. And do it quickly, Stubbs. I need you back here ."
    "I'll do my best, sir. Is there another case on the
    " Not exactly. Plan is, assign you to Operation
Horseshoe, learn the ropes and take over from Rangarajan ."
    "Take over? But sir, Ranga's doing a great job! I don't
understand why you would want to replace him now. Putting a white woman on the
case instead of a senior Asian male seems counter-intuitive."
    " Of course you don't understand. Because as per
bloody usual, Stubbs, you don't have the full picture. Rangarajan is taking
early retirement at the end of this year. Horseshoe is an extraordinarily
complicated operation, which requires a sensitive touch and a thorough
understanding of cultural mores. When Ranga retires, I need a safe pair of
hands on the tiller ."
    "Oh, I see. I had no idea he was thinking of early
retirement as well."
    There was an extended silence at the other end of the line.
Beatrice winced. Another two little words.
    " I beg your pardon? Did you just say ‘as well’ ?"
    "Sorry, sir. Nothing decided yet. Just an idea I've
been considering."
    " Have you now? Well, you can damn well unconsider
it. Do you have any idea whatsoever of the efforts I have made to keep you in
your post? Of the political persuasion I've brought to bear in order to retain
a person viewed by many as perilously close to being a loose bloody cannon? No,
you don't. I refused to accept your resignation earlier this year because I
believe in you. Sometimes, I wonder why. At your best, you are an asset to my
team. At worst, you are a stubborn old coot who is a bigger pain than an
infected wisdom tooth. On top of this, I am not prepared to lose two of my best
senior detectives in one year. So please put all thoughts of premature
retirement out of your mind and concentrate on the job in hand. Sort yourself
out, Stubbs. Good night."
    The disconnection tone beeped in her ear and she replaced
the receiver. She sat in the window seat, looking out over Boot Street. Thirty
years she'd lived in this flat. Twenty four years she'd been with Matthew.
Coming up fifteen years she'd worked with Hamilton. In five years, she could
officially retire. And then? Time trickled through her fingers and she could no
more hold onto it than water.
    With a shake, she pulled herself back from such unhealthy
introspection. She checked her bags again, took
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