solved but she would deal with it if it meant she could have nights like this one.
The harassment continued, the letters and now cards coming every single day. Milly was beginning to wonder if she’d ever get any peace and Callum was starting to talk about hiring a private detective. She had no idea what to do; she was at the end of her tether and willing to try anything.
Christmas was quickly coming and Milly, for all the stress, was having the best Christmas season of her life. Callum and Jake, along with Edgar, Mildred, and Daisy filled every single day with laughs and companionship. She just couldn’t shake the unsettled feeling she had knowing there was someone out there that wanted to harm her. Scare the life out of her at the very least. She hadn’t asked to be involved in all of the drama but yet she’d been drawn into it. She wasn’t even sure why she’d become the focus of the nutcase harassing her.
“You know whoever this is has to be related to Maria’s death, somehow, don’t you? They may even be the person responsible for her death.” Milly said to Callum as they closed up the shop for the night, flicking the lights off as she did so. Milly walked over to the now repaired window at the front of the store and looked out into the darkness. Callum came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders, just letting her know he was there. They’d not been any more intimate than the odd hug but somehow that simple touch was enough to let her know that Callum cared. She took comfort from it and stocked it away with all of the memories she’d been collecting. She knew it all had to end at some point.
It was becoming far too hard to maintain a positive attitude and stay cheery when someone out there wanted to cause her so much trouble. Milly tried hard, very hard, to keep from falling into a depression, and most of the time she could maintain an air of happiness but in the dark now, with Callum, she let the worry out that ate at her when she was alone in her room at night. Was she even going to be here for Christmas? Was this person spiralling out of control, on the verge of taking her life as well?
“I’m almost positive of that Milly but you’re safe, everyone in this village is keeping an eye on you. You know the old men that can’t sleep at night have started a watch group? They have a schedule and each one goes out every half hour, checking everything is alright. They watch the doors and windows of your shop, making sure nobody approaches.” Callum said, a smile in his voice from the sweetness of the men.
“Do they?” Milly said, turning to Callum. “That’s so sweet. I hope they aren’t wearing themselves out doing that.”
“No, I’m sure they aren’t. From what I hear they spend most of their ‘shifts’ sleeping, then keeping an eye on each other for the rest of the night making sure the other one doesn’t go to sleep. It’s incredibly funny when you think about it.” Callum laughed, taking Milly’s arm as they walked up the stairs to her flat. Jake was staying with a friend tonight, a trip to the city on their agenda, so Callum and Milly had planned to watch a movie before going to bed.
“I’m so glad you came to stay for a while. I don’t think I could stay here on my own, not with this psycho loose.” She said quietly. She hated to admit weakness but she wanted him to know she was grateful for him and his friendship.
“It’s no problem at…” Callum’s voice trailed off as they reached the sitting room and found a rather tall black-haired woman sitting on Milly’s couch stroking Edgar, the room lit only by the streetlamp. Edgar apparently wasn’t happy about the intrusion either as he was trying to get away from the woman. Milly recognized the woman instantly as the woman from the picture.
“Hello.” Milly said uncertain of what she should be doing, but she stuck her hand in her pocket quickly hoping the woman wouldn’t notice the movement as she clicked a