Cold-Blooded Beautiful

Cold-Blooded Beautiful Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cold-Blooded Beautiful Read Online Free PDF
Author: Christine Zolendz
still obsessed with her and with possessing her, consuming her completely.  I know it’s not healthy, but seriously, from the dark reclusive corners I’ve reserved myself to, I find this to be a much more pleasant place.  But, thinking that something is wrong with her and it has something to do with him is going to make me fucking go insane.
    The lounge door opened and closed with a small bell-like sound.  I didn’t know who had come in or left; I was blinded with fury, but I could hear her soft fluid movements and smell the cinnamon and apple scent of her soap.  “Kade?  Kade what’s wrong?” she whispered.
    It took me a few minutes for my eyes to focus on her, for my head to clear itself of violent images, and for me to see her actually standing in front of me.  We were alone in the room. I couldn’t even tell you when Jen left, or how long I stood there.
    “You’re sick?”  I whispered hoarsely.  “You didn’t take the position because you’re sick.”  Visions of hospital beds and breathing tubes, blood and stapled skin filled my vision.  The sounds that my brain offered me were worse; gunshots, clicks, pleas, cries, and the never ending hiss and buzz of the ventilator.  I hadn’t had a flashback in so long that I had to grip the edge of the counter to stop myself from falling to my knees.
    Instantly, her cool hands were around my neck, her small frame pressed against mine, and the only thing I could do, was grasp on to her.  “I’m fine, Kade.  Why did you come here?  You should have just asked me.”
    “You’re bloody sick, Sam, and you haven’t told me.”
    “Stop, Kade.  I’m fine.  I swear, I’m fine.”
    “You’re bloody fucking lying to me.  You have some sort of condition and tremors.  DON’T LIE TO ME!”
    She backed away quickly.  Of course, she would. Who in their right mind would step on a landmine? I was about to explode. I’m positive that in her head, she heard a metallic clink and felt the vacuum of air, as I self-destructed like a forgotten pressure mine buried just below the ground that she stood upon.
    Shoving her hands into the front pockets of her sweater, she stared at me with red-rimmed eyes.  Her chest started rising and falling heavily, panting as if she’d just finished a bloody marathon.  Hell, we were both breathing hard.  “This is a hospital,” she hissed.  “Control your emotions. This can wait until we get home.  This is going too far, Kade.  You DO NOT get to go through my private medical files because you have questions.  And you don’t get to scream at me like that.  What do you want from me?”
    “I WANT THE TRUTH!” I demanded, shoving one of the chairs over.
    “Really, Kade?  How are you going to handle that?” Her eyes were vicious and challenging. At least, I thought that’s what it looked like. A definite blur of thick-knotted tension between us fogged up the room.  She pivoted and reached to open the door, and before I could think straight, I was grasping at her waist and pushing her against the wall.  Pressing my body against her, she was trapped, her hands pushing against my chest, but not nearly hard enough. 
    “Truth,” I whispered into her ear, gripping her tighter.  The tips of my fingers dug into her flesh.
    She stood, eyes wide, and breathing heavy.  One lone tear raged war against her eyelid and won, slipping down her cheek and dropping perfectly against the soft flesh of her chest.  “He killed my baby, Kade.  He killed my baby while it was still inside me.  Then he killed me, literally , Kade.  I died .  He poisoned me over and over, until I died.  Now, I live with the after effects.  I’ll never be a trauma surgeon again. I have neurological damage that make my hands tremble all the time .  Would you want me to cut someone you love open with twitchy fingers?” 

Chapter 2

    It had just passed midnight as I stood outside to wait for Kade on his flagstone porch, wondering where
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