Coffin Island
from his
fiery notes. The security force of books then sent a messenger into
the main cloud. The galaxy of books began to reorganize itself. It
was like watching a building go up without any workers. The books
constructed a massive coliseum around the flaming ape. Would they
try to feed us to him for sport?
    The galaxy of knowledge was having some
sort of trial in the coliseum. The books seemed to be having a
lively debate. Monstrous books were shouting at each other in mumbo
jumbo. Countless books were howling. It was quite disordered.
Knowledge was a violent mess, I guess.
    “ I’m heartened that there is
justice in this world,” I said. “I’m just a little distressed that
I’m going to be on the brunt end of it.”
    “ They don’t just feed you to
the flaming ape without a trial,” Madison shrugged.
    “ They go through the
formality of a kangaroo court,” I said.
    “ They aren’t going to call
us in our own defense,” Madison said.
    “ You’ve already pleaded
guilty for us,” I said.
    “ They are condemning us to
death,” Madison laughed. “That’s one sentence in mumbo jumbo that I
know. It’s music to my ears. I was afraid that we might get life
without parole in a book.”
    “They are doing what?” I asked as I
watched giant books breaking off the coliseum and go into formation
above us. “I didn’t do anything.”
    “You got lumped in with me,” Madison
said. “Sorry.”
    “I got lumped in you?” I gasped. “Sorry
is all you can say? You just got me condemned to death.”
    “We condemn you to death!” Madison
shouted. “We will kill you all!”
    “Count me out,” I said. “I’m going to
run for it.”
    “We’re going to fly,” Madison said and
grabbed my arm. “I’m sure you’ll do fine.”
    I suddenly realized that we were flying
for the door of the library. Or rather Madison was dragging me
through the air towards the door. We were hurtling through the
    “ How about helping with the
flying,” Madison shouted as we wheeled our way through a tornado of
books. Monstrous books were chasing after us. Their jaws were
snapping at us. Knowledge was on our heels. It wanted to kill us
too which was pretty cool.
    “ I don’t know how to fly,” I
    “ Hang on,” Madison
    Madison banked up sharply. She briefly
outran the books. She flew up into the coliseum. The books flew
after us like a tornado of trailers. They were chasing us around
the coliseum. The coliseum was cheering in mumbo jumbo. The flaming
ape ran towards us. He was bellowing brimstone. Madison flew right
at him.
    Madison dropped me.
    “ Think quickly,” she
    She banked down. The wall of books
crashed through the flaming ape. The books ignited. They went
screaming in all directions with flames lashing off them. The
coliseum exploded into flames as I fell toward the
    I fell into one of the books when
Madison dropped me. The book opened its mouth and devoured me. The
belly of the book was a pirate ship.
    I was standing in the Captain’s
Quarters. A vast emerald ocean stretched out the window. The inside
of the book was a pirate ship? And it was on a seemingly endless
emerald ocean? Finally witchcraft had gotten something right. I was
in the market for a cheeseburger in paradise.
    “ I’m in the head while Rome
burns,” a gruff voice said. “I’ll deal with you, Booster Boo, as
soon as I finish my toilet. I don’t want to die in this condition.
My coffin is old fashioned and not commodious. I haven’t been in it
in over four hundred years. The last time I paid that blessed box a
visit was during The Great War. There is no telling what sort of
appalling condition it is in now.”
    “ No hurry,” I said. “You’re
on the toilet while Rome burns.”
    “ Exactly,” he
    I heard a splash. It sounded like a
stone was thrown overboard. A privy door opened and out walked a
pirate. I caught a glimpse of the head. It was a rope net that was
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