Club Scars
ticket! Did you hear about the college boy that they had working the weld booth while Reaper was off work?”
    “I noticed he wasn’t there when I dropped off lunch. What happened?”
    “I guess he threatened to take Reap’s job within earshot of my husband. He also dropped where he was going to be Friday night. Next thing I know, Crux decides we’re going out to Hillside for date night where he knows this kid is going to be. I don’t know what his plan was, but he chose that black, v-neck tunic with the rhinestones for me to wear and next thing you know, I’m sitting at the bar and Junior is asking my sign and has his hand between my tatas.”
    “You’re shittin’ me!” Ginny said, her eyes widening in disbelief.
    “I’m serious. I had no idea who this kid was and he comes up to me and starts asking about the Cat’s Eye necklace you bought me for my birthday. It was hanging down between the girls and he just reaches right in!” Cat said, shaking her head. “Who the hell hits on a prego and how the hell did Crux know the college geek would go for the girls?”
    “Well they’re pretty spectacular in their pregnancy grandeur,” Gin said with a smirk and then shrugged. “Crux is resourceful. If the moron hadn’t taken the initial bait, your old man would’ve come up with another reason to kick his ass. Is the kid still breathing?”
    “Crux roughed him up a bit, but I think he just wanted the kid out of the shop before Reaper came back to work. He’s been real worried about him since the shooting.”
    Ginny’s forehead furrowed, sadness flickering in her hazel eyes. “I think we’ve all been worried about him. No one is used to Reaper being down, least of all Reaper. I talked to Lee the other day and she said he’s been going stir crazy. I think she was more than ready for him to go back to work. She said she wants to start picking up some shifts at The Lantern again with him back on his feet.”  
    “That’ll take some pressure off you with me out.”
    “Oh, yeah, because you’re so damn indispensable,” Ginny scoffed. “Toot your own horn a little more why don’t you?”
    “You were the one sniveling earlier how much you missed me,” Kat shot back, trying to hold back laughter as she handed her a cappuccino.  
    “That’s the shit I miss. No one else talks to me like you do.”
    “You don’t scare me,” Kat said, trying for a confident swagger as she led the way to the living room. Ginny’s smothered laugh behind her confirmed that the pregnancy waddle ruined the effect. She had to sit her mug down on the coffee table as her own laughter threatened the contents. God, she had missed Gin.
    Kat grimaced and rolled to look at the neon alarm clock; 3:34 glared back at her. The cramp rippled across her belly. Rubbing at the distended bump, she wiggled out of bed, trying not to wake Crux.
    “You okay?” he muttered, his sexy growl deep with morning rust.
    “I’m fine. I just have to pee,” she reassured him, padding into the dark bathroom. He rolled over, giving his pillow a thump before settling back into it.  She closed the door quietly, only turning on the small vanity light. Leaning against the counter, she stroked her stomach and waited. Minutes ticked by and nothing. Shaking her head at her paranoia, she used the toilet and washed her hands. Crux would be getting up in a couple of hours. She needed to get some sleep.
    Opening the door slowly, she winced at the squeak. She caught her breath as another pain stabbed in her side. Her hand tightened on the door knob. Riding it out, she took a deep breath. Maybe it wasn’t paranoia. She tip-toed to the dresser. Where was Crux’s watch? Finding it, she squinted at the luminous face and waited. Her hands were shaking. Why was she so nervous? She’d been waiting nine months for this. Hell, she’d been waiting years for this, but she hadn’t thought it would ever really happen.
    She bit her lip, a shudder working though her. The
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