Class Trip

Class Trip Read Online Free PDF

Book: Class Trip Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rachel Burns
thing. We were
loud and talked loudly and had fun. The teachers watched us but it
wasn't like it normally was. They were relaxed about it. I was
surprised at how cool they could be.

    We got into the
bus again as Herr Glossner checked us all off. Once we were in he and
Herr Schweitzer pulled out their cell phones and spoke awhile with
really serious looks on their faces.
    I cuddled in and
took a nap after a couple of minutes of talking about nonsense with
my friends. Everyone was settling in nicely.
    I fell asleep

    “Wake up.
Everyone up. Leave your bags where they are and exit the bus now.”
A woman was walking down the aisle and shaking the others awake. I
sat up and looked around. Absolutely everyone appeared to have fallen
    “Out, now.
Leave your bags.” The woman sounded like she was mad at us.
    “Are we there
yet?” Milena asked her.
    “Yes, get out
now. Leave your bags.”
    “Why can't we
take our bags with us?” Milena asked her before she moved back to
the front of the bus.
    The woman came
back to us and slapped Milena really hard. “Do as I say. Out now.”
She grabbed Milena and pushed her towards the front of the bus.
    There was a line
and every girl was being checked over if they had anything with them.
They were frisking each girl.
    I looked around
for our teachers but they were nowhere to be seen.
    The girls that
had been checked over were told to go into a large building that
looked like a school but it was in the middle of nowhere. The sky was
so dark, making the stars look even brighter. We filed in and were
brought to a room. I could see the other girls were undressing in
front of us. They had to undress and while they stood there naked a
couple of women were checking their clothes for cell phones. The
woman had canes like Herr Glossner had used that first day and
everyone was obeying the women.
    I too undressed
and laid my things on the table for the women to inspect. I dressed
quickly when they were finished.
    We were brought
to a dormitory then.
    “Everyone goes
to bed and sleeps again. Those who don't will be punished.” The
woman pointed to the beds and everyone got in without complaining but
several girls were crying. After our room was full the woman left,
locking the door.
    “What was that
all about?” Jessica asked no one in particular.
    “I don't
understand it either. What are they going to do with all of our
    “Have we been
    “Where are our
    Everyone had
questions, but no one had answers.

    A loud banging
noise woke me in the morning. Like someone was going up and down the
hall with a pot and a wooden spoon.
    I looked over at
the door. It was open. I moved so my feet hit the floor. My fingers
went to my head. It was so heavy. “Do you think they drugged us at
supper last night?” I asked the others, who were all holding their
heads just like I was.
    “Out!” a
woman peeked in and yelled. I had a feeling that they didn't really
speak German but we were so far away from our school, in a different
country, with a different language and culture. Was this normal here?
    I forced myself
to standing and went out the door. The others were right behind us. I
could see other girls going into a room and coming out. I moved over
to them and my group followed me. I peeked in and saw that these were
the bathrooms. There were four of them and there fifty-two of us. We
stood in line and talked to girls from another room.
    We were all
worried about what was going on. No one had seen our teachers at all.
Had something happened to them? We speculated as we waited. The girls
that were finished were being herded down the stairs. The woman was
saying something about breakfast.
    Evelyn went to
her and asked her about her bag. She begged her, telling her that she
needed it for her contact lenses. Her eyes were all red and puffy.
    The woman slapped
her hard.
    I was about to
step forward when I felt a hand on my shoulder holding me in place.
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