the old ways of doing things we are seeing a reduction of credits and prestige. We would like for you to join us and help stop the destruction of our businesses.”
“You do know that my father kicked me out of the Militia right?” Han was now frowning at these old guys. What were they trying to say here?
“Let us speak plainly Han. Can we call you Han?” At Han’s nod he continued. “We worked closely with former Governor Norton and built the casino’s and entertainment clubs that you see now. We are part of the ‘Greater Galactic’ picture that many aren’t even aware exists. We want for those with the power and the credits to be in charge. Everyone else will bow to us.”
Han, thought through everything they were saying. “So what do you want from me?”
The old men smiled. They had given the carrot, now the stick. “We need your support. The Lee name is still a driving force here on the planet. Even though you no longer wear the uniform you still can play a part. We need your support to hold on to our businesses and to maybe change the new political system so it benefits us more. Are you interested? It could mean a new way of life for you, out from under the influence of your father.”
Still not sure of what they wanted, Han could only nod. He did think that getting out from under his father’s influence was a good thing. He had heard some of his customers talking about the casinos and clubs. How the government was cracking down and wanted to get rid of them. He really had not given the financial shift in power any thought. Making up his mind, Han looked at the older man. “Count me in. I will help as much as I can.”
The older man smiled. “Excellent! Han, we’ll be in touch! If you get an invitation in the mail, be sure to answer it. We look forward to you joining us. Have an excellent evening!”
“Party on dudes.” Han completed the ritual leave taking. Seeing the men out, he locked up his bar and went upstairs to his apartment.
The two older men got into the waiting car. The younger sons, their job completed wandered off to a bar or club to spend the money their fathers had paid them. “Do you think he’ll show up to the meeting?” the older of the two asked.
“I think the lure of money and a chance to get away from the infamous Colonel Lee will be all the leverage we’ll need.”
“Well, get some leverage of the other kind too. We need to be sure. His co-operation is vital if we are going to save the plan in this part of the galaxy.”
The younger man grew stern. “BE QUIET about that you fool! The intelligence service is already investigating everyone. That kind of talk will bring the Wardens down on us. It’s bad enough that some of them are already on their way here. Now not another word!”
The next few weeks were looking to be the busiest of my life. The Station was finally shaping up. Many vital areas had been suffering from years of neglect and ignorance. The trash compactors were working at peak efficiency now. Wilson had ended up cloning himself again and putting his ‘child’ to work down there. The crazy experimental unit had been sent over to the FLEA facility for evaluation. Wilson had been surprised to find that he had a potential ‘brother’ out there. ‘Dave’ was bat-shit crazy though. Too many years processing trash and waste. How he ended up here is a mystery that we may never solve.
I had been running all over the place fixing things. Currently, I was in a suit out on the uppermost station pylon watching the ships arrive. You might say I was playing hooky from my job for a moment. Space was very beautiful and so was my home planet. Caught between watching the arriving delegation from a nearby system and the slowly spinning planet I almost missed the jump flare of a fleet arriving. Alarms began going off everywhere as the stations
William Irwin, Kevin S. Decker, Richard Brown