privately before they took him out to the resort and introduced him to the family.
“He’s only fifteen minutes late,” Hunter said. “His plane could have been delayed, and with the snow we’ve had the past few days, the roads are probably icy. He’ll be here.”
Tj actually hoped he didn’t show. Ever. But she didn’t say as much. She’d gone through every possible scenario in her head dozens of times , and any way you sliced it, the man posed a threat to all she held dear. Yes, he was in the armed services, and that was a noble calling. And yes, it was easy to see how a night of passion could lead to the unknown birth of a child. And everyone who knew of Jordan Tanner’s existence had assured her on multiple occasions that the man most likely had only the purest of intentions. But Tj didn’t want Gracie to have a biological father who might come to love her and want to spend time with her. As selfish as it might be, she didn’t want to share her baby sister with anyone. Did that make her a bad person? Maybe it did, but all Tj knew was that the mere thought of someone taking her place in Gracie’s life filled her with a terror she didn’t have any idea how to deal with.
“And everything seemed okay when you spoke to him on the phone yesterday?” Tj asked for the tenth time.
“Everything seemed fine,” Hunter assured her. “He was very polite and seemed appreciative that we were going out of our way to accommodate his schedule. He reiterated that he would be shipping out after the first of the year , and he didn’t say anything that led me to believe his intentions were anything other than what he’s already stated. He simply wants to meet his daughter and satisfy himself that she’s in a good place. It sounded like he’d already checked you out and was happy about what he’d learned.”
“He checked me out?” Tj tried for just the right amount of outrage.
“You had Kyle check him out,” Hunter pointed out.
“I know.” Tj got up and began pacing back and forth across the office. “I can’t remember the last time I was this nervous. What if he turns out to be a creep? What if he really is after custody of Gracie? Or money? He probably wants money.”
“ It is very unlikely that the man wants money. The problem is that you’ve had months to imagine every possible outcome to this meeting and you’ve let your imagination run amok,” Hunter said. “What’s going to happen is going to happen. We’ll deal with whatever presents itself. You need to relax. It seems like you’re needlessly making yourself nuts.”
“Needlessly? This man has the power to take Gracie from me. What do you know? You don’t have any kids.”
Hunter got up and walked around the desk, then put his arms around Tj and pulled her tight against his chest. Tj initially tried to fight him but then gave way to the comfort Hunter’s arms had always provided. She listened to his heartbeat count away the seconds as they waited for destiny to arrive. After only a few minutes there was a knock on the door.
“Ready ?” Hunter smiled at her.
“ As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Tj had seen photos of Captain Tanner , enough photos to determine that based on physical similarities, he was most likely Gracie’s biological father. She thought she was prepared to meet the man who so closely resembled the sister she loved. She’d certainly pictured this moment dozens of times. But in spite of her daydreams, she was not prepared for the commanding presence of the tall, muscular naval officer who had the darkest brown eyes she had ever seen.
“ Captain Tanner,” Hunter greeted as he opened the door.
“Dr. Hanson,” the man returned.
“ Please call me Hunter.”
The man turned to Tj after shaking Hunter ’s hand. “Ms. Jensen.” He held out his hand to Tj and smiled as he waited for her to reply.
“Captain,” Tj croaked out.
“Call me Jordan .” He smiled again. “Both of you.” Then he focused all of his