Chosen Destiny

Chosen Destiny Read Online Free PDF

Book: Chosen Destiny Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rebecca Airies
    Samiel started toward the door. He heard Jaeson’s footsteps, but then they stopped.
    Samiel turned and found Jaeson looking back at the elders. Samiel knew that
    expression. Jaeson was curious about something.
    “How did you keep the animals out all night long?” Jaeson asked.
    “Oh, a few of our witches held shields on the worst spots until the sun rose. By the
    time the battle was over, it wasn’t that long.” One of the elders waved her hand.
    “They’re resting right now.”
    Samiel nodded. That explained a few things. It also gave him more reason to
    admire the witches of this coven. They took care of themselves and those around them.
    He turned and headed for the door. He and Jaeson could go seal those holes and give
    the men a chance to repair the houses. As well, they’d be able to magically reinforce the
    wall and hopefully prevent another breach.
    Chosen Destiny

Chapter Three
    The first of the other dragons and vampires began arriving just as Samiel and
    Jaeson finished strengthening the wall. Walking over to meet them at the double, black
    metal gates, Samiel recognized many of those who’d arrived and was happy to see that
    more than one set of dragon-vamp pairs were among them. He saw Danan and Grae
    near the front. Behind them, Maxim and Jadin strolled into town. Jaeson had told him
    Gaellon and Lassan would be staying to help the other village in these mountains. A
    few single dragons and vampires had arrived as well. In total, about eight dragons had
    come to help. That should be more than enough to deal with the Dark Sorcerer in the
    region, especially with the help of these witches.
    Samiel strolled forward and clasped Danan’s forearm. “It’s good to see you. They
    don’t know what’s behind this but the Dark Sorcerer has been persistent.”
    Jadin looked around the area, his eyes running over the buildings and people. “I’m
    surprised to see this town as intact as it is. The other village didn’t fare as well. How did
    they manage it?”
    The vampire appeared as astounded as he had been. Samiel could understand that.
    This village and the witches here were unique. They’d held firm in a desperate situation
    that would have had many people running.
    “Apparently cooperation, determination, and an inability to accept defeat,” Jaeson
    “Well with an attitude like that, we’ll have a step up on the Dark Sorcerer.” Maxim
    nodded and smiled.
    Samiel led the way into the small town. Groups of witches stood watching them.
    One of them, a tall, thin redhead separated from the group and stalked forward. Her
    lips were compressed into a tight line. She almost vibrated with anger. Samiel
    wondered whom it was directed toward. He didn’t think it was the dragons and
    vampires although he would have understood if it was. They’d been waiting for help
    for a long time.
    “You’re here to destroy the Dark Sorcerer? What are you going to do about the
    minion the elders are protecting?” The woman put her hands on her hips.
    Samiel blinked. That was the first he’d heard of anything like that. It sounded
    absurd. The elders wanted to save the village, not give it to the Sorcerer. Still it was the
    kind of accusation that couldn’t be ignored. He wondered why the woman hadn’t said
    anything before now.
    “Why don’t you take us to this minion they are protecting and we’ll decide what
    needs to be done.” Jaeson crossed his arms over his broad chest.
    Rebecca Airies
    Samiel smiled as the woman drew in a sharp breath.
    “What’s to be decided? She needs to be killed.” The woman shook her head.
    “If she even is a minion. Only when we feel her magic will we act. There’s a certain
    taint to the magic that’s unmistakable.” Jaeson took a step forward. “We’re not going to
    chance killing a witch who isn’t a minion. Witches who turn to the dark arts are rare.”
    “So lead the way.” Danan gestured to the street ahead of them.
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