Children to a Degree - Growing Up Under the Third Reich
    He sat down again to read the paperwork. “I see that you are studying for the entry exams of the Napola. I assume that you want to excel in sports and physical training. Am I correct?”
    Both boys stood as required and looked at each other. Physical exercise was the last thing on their minds. “No,” answered Karl. “Look at me. I am small. I could never compete physically with boys of my age group.”
    Rudy smiled as he studied the boys. “I'll give you that,” he said. He looked at his paperwork and then back at the boys. “What about you, Harold? You look like you are strong enough to handle boys in your age bracket.”
    Harold again looked at Karl, who shrugged his shoulders. “No, I might like physical endurance training, but physical excellence is not on my mind,” Harold announced.
    Rudy was exasperated by their answers.
    “The Napola schools train the leaders of the future. One of their requirements is that you are physically fit.” He got up and took a loose leaf binder of a shelf. “Here it is,” he started to read. “The applying student has to prove an Arian lineage dating back at least three generations.” He stopped for a moment, “Hmm, I did not know that. I guess this counts me out from the get go.” He was black-haired, and his eyes were dark and warm. He continued reading out loud. “The student cannot have any physical impediments like bad hearing or poor eyesight.” He stopped again to muster the boys once more before turning back to the manual.
    Karl was growing uncomfortable watching Rudy, who now read to himself. He finally could not help himself. He asked quietly, “Is there anything written that I have to be brain dead?” 
    Rudy interrupted his reading, “What was that?” In his experience, the little boys enrolling into the Jungvolk had always been shy. Normally they were overwhelmed by his office and most of the time in awe of his uniform. This kid in front of him was clearly not impressed. Rudy felt almost challenged. “Come again?”
    Karl tried to lock eyes with him as Herr Halama had taught the boys. “I was asking if I had to be a bully to be admitted.” He rephrased his question to make sure that the HJ leader was getting the meaning.
    Rudy laughed, “No, you don’t have to be a bully. Nevertheless, it would help a boy of your dimensions to have some physical training to back up questions like that.” Rudy started to like the boy. He had been put in charge of enrollments because of his natural ability to help the boys get comfortable during this process. “Let’s shelf the questions regarding the Napola and get back to your enrollment.”
    He placed the binder back on the shelf and consulted a different one to make sure that he did not miss anything, “First things first. You will meet in this building twice a week in the afternoon. You will be part of a group of about 10 to 12 boys. You will be taught how to stand, how to walk and how to salute. On weekends, your small group will meet with three or four other groups and you will learn how to march in formation.” He glanced once more at the boys, “Any questions? If not, I will see you next Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 PM. You are allowed to be fifteen minutes early but not a single minute late. If you are late you will be given a brush and a bucket of water to clean the sidewalk.”
    Karl raised his hand, “When do we get uniforms?”
    Rudy opened a draw on his desk and handed each of the boys an entitlement form. “Good question. The purchase of the uniform is the obligation of your parents. At this time of the year you are still required to wear a summer uniform consisting of a pair of black short corduroy pants and the regulation brown uniform shirt. Furthermore, you will need to wear dark brown knee socks and sturdy leather shoes.”
    He smiled and almost laughed when he saw the awkward arm movements of the boys who shouted Heil Hitler as they scrambled out of his office. He knew that it would
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