Cheaper to Keep Her part 2 (The Saga Continues)

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Book: Cheaper to Keep Her part 2 (The Saga Continues) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kiki Swinson presents Unique
his conversation to the plan they had to take Duke off the streets. I sat there and watched his body language as he gave me certain details about their operation. I also watched the other detective through my peripheral vision while he was watching me. These guys seemed to like they had it all figured out. But I wasn't sold on their elaborate plan to arrest Duke. It was bogus if you asked me. During those few months I had spent with Duke, I found out how vicious this guy really was. He didn't play games with anyone. He was notorious for eliminating anyone who'd gotten in his way. And if he didn't do it himself, he had people who'd jump at the opportunity.
    Since the judge let me go, I had every intention on helping these detectives bring that bastard down. But I wasn't going to let them put my life in danger to accomplish their mission.
    During the entire briefing, I believed I only had a handful of words to say. Detective Whitfield pretty much ran the floor. When our talk was finally over, he looked at me and asked me if I had any questions. I started to get up and walk away from his silly looking ass. But I stayed calm and said, “Do you really expect me to call him and ask him if he’d want to have dinner with me after all the shit I’d been through with him? I mean, that doesn’t sound crazy to you? He’s a very bright man and he’s going to know that something isn’t right.”
    “Detective Rosenberg already thought about that,” Detective Whitfield retorted. “And all you have to do is play on the fact that even though he screwed you around and had you locked up for something you hadn’t done, you still can’t take your mind off of him.”
    I gave this guy the look of death. “Are you fucking kidding me? Is that all you have?” I spat. “Me telling that no good son of a bitch that I can’t get my mind off him sounds suspect. He’s not going to believe any of that bullshit. You’re talking about a man who has pregnant women killed if they won’t give their babies to him so he can sell them to his rich clients. He is heartless. There is no beating around the bush with this man. He will see right through that shit as soon as I open my mouth. If you can’t come up with a better plan than that, then you’re gonna have to find another chick to do your dirty work because I’m not about to get my fucking head chopped off because y’all ain’t got y’all shit together.”
    Both detectives looked at me like I was crazy. “You need to calm down,” Detective Whitfield said as he surveyed the bookstore to see if I had attracted any attention. “I know there’s a better way that we can handle this.”
    “Not with that shit you're talking about!” I interjected. “I am not about to let y'all get me caught up in that mess and get my head blown off. Shit! I'm trying to live and maybe get married one day and have some damn kids.” I abruptly stood to my feet.
    Detective Whitfield grabbed me by my arm. “Where you think you're going?” he asked me.
    “You better get your hands off of me,” I roared. I was in a state of indifference. It was Whitfield’s job to handle the black bitch in case I didn’t go along with the program. Plus, no way did I want a white cop to touch me like this. Hell, I didn’t want this muthafucka touching me like this.
    Again Detective Whitfield surveyed the bookstore to see if I had caused people to look at us. He leaned in towards my right ear and said, “If you don't cooperate with us then I would personally make it so that you end up back in jail where you started. I don't have time for your games. The judge dropped the charges against you based on the condition that you help us. Now if you continue to give me problems, then I will make a call right now to the jail so they can start your paperwork while I transport your ass back down there.”
    “So now you're threatening me?” I snapped and then I snatched my arm away from him.
    “I don't make threats. I make shit
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