Chasing Soma

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Book: Chasing Soma Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amy Robyn
enamored with these two ladies.
    Our food arrives and I lean back. I watch as Soma eats her cheeseburger and fries with a strawberry shake. The only difference is she now asks for cheese on it. I love that she is still the same. It means some of the other things about her might be the same as well. Like what makes her cum the fastest and how a lick behind the ear gets her out of her jeans. I shake my head so that I quit having such lecherous thoughts with my daughter at the table. Better to save that for later. I grin.
    “Nuh uh.” She says to me. I tilt my head to the side and grin again.
    “What?” I ask her.
    “I know that look. We have a little one here. It also doesn’t work on me anymore.” She crosses her arms over her chest and it pushes out her traitors. Her nipples are so hard that they give away just how affected she is.
    “Really?” I say as I stare at them. She growls but goes back to eating. I smile as I finish off my own cheeseburger. My woman still wants me. I just need to make her realize it. It will be a challenge, considering how stubborn she can be but I am up for the challenge. I will never stop trying because a love like this is worth fighting for. She has always been worth it. Now, I will not allow my pride to get in the way.
    Leah starts yawning and rubbing her eyes. It is probably her nap time. I have no idea what my daughter’s schedule is like. I only hope to learn it all and quickly, so that I can be the father she deserves. She deserves the best. I need to step up my game. I never want to be one of those fathers that are around but not an active role in my child’s life. I want her to come to me when she needs help.
    “It’s someone’s nap time.” Soma says as Leah opens her eyes wide.
    “I not sleepy.” She says as she lets out a big yawn.
    “Big girls no nap.” She says matter factly as she puts her hands on her hips. I start laughing because she is too cute. Soma glares at me.
    “You know that you have to sleep if you want to get as tall as me.” Soma tells our stubborn child. She is so much like her mother as far as that goes. She was always stubborn. It was one of the many things I have loved about her.
    “But I no sleepy.” She says with a pout. Soma’s eyes soften, though she remains firm.
    “I bet daddy will read to you if you lay down in your bed.” Soma tells her and Leah starts bouncing excitedly in her seat.
    “Will you daddy?” How can I say no to that, not that I would. I smile.
    “Of course I will.” I say as I tap her little button nose. She giggles. The waitress comes with the check and I quickly pay it. I get my girls out to the car and buckle Leah into her seat. The car ride to Soma’s house is full of Leah’s animated rendition of the animals she saw at the farm, again the pig sounds more like a crashing sound. She seems to really enjoy that animal the most.
    We get to the house and Leah takes my hand and leads me to her room. It is a tiny room but it is certainly filled with love. She has a small canopy bed and matching dresser. She has a small book shelf and lots of toys. She is certainly not neglected and my heart bleeds thinking about how hard Soma had to have worked to care for her like this. Not anymore. I am here now and I will be damned if she has to work another day if she doesn’t want to.
    Leah runs over to her book shelf and grabs a book. She brings it to me with a beaming smile.
    “Look it’s a daddy book.” She shows me the cover with a man and a child laying against his chest. It makes my heart ache. She hasn’t had that. I feel as though I have been sucker punched with all of the emotions welling up inside of me. My baby girl did without her daddy because my pride was too damn big. I pick her up and hold her against my chest and stroke her back until she squirms.
    “Read daddy.” She says and I lay her down on the bed and pull her shoes off. She pulls a stuffed animal into her arms to cuddle with and I recognize the bear. It
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