forgive me if anything happened to Caleb. As he moved toward his truck I threw a protection spell at him. I’d do my best to keep him safe.
10 a.m.
Witches wanting to murder a sexy sheik: 1
I’m going to kill Sheik Azir. I mean it. The next time I see him, he has a big, fiery ball with his name on it. Stupid man.
I swear, he must have my schedule somewhere and is purposefully trying to keep Sam and me apart. Arrogant jerk. Azir, not Sam.
Last night we were practicing some more and it was all very lovely until Sam’s cell phone rang. It played some high-pitched song that sounded like something you’d hear on the streets of New Delhi.
We’d just come back from a rather arousing shower together, when Sam reached for the phone.
“You are not going to answer that!” I tried to sound stern, but it’s difficult when your body is humming from incredible lovemaking.
“Sorry, Bron. It’s important.” He pushed the button.
“Hello? Yes.” He picked up his watch and grimaced. “What time will it be here?…No, I’ll be ready.”
He hung up and couldn’t hide the guilt from his face.
“I’ve got to go.” He took my hands in his. “I promise I wouldn’t leave if it weren’t absolutely necessary, but this is something that can’t wait.”
“That was Azir, wasn’t it?” The sudden urgency meant only one thing: the sheik needed help—again.
“Yes.” He sighed.
“He needs you on one of his saving-the-world trips, right?”
I could have pitched a fit, whined, and done any number of unattractive things, but I didn’t. Azir was known for going into third-world countries and saving women and children from horrible atrocities. It was one of the ways he used his incredible wealth to make the world a better place, but I selfishly wished it didn’t involve my boyfriend.
Azir was a client of mine and I still checked on him now and then. There was a time when I wasn’t sure if maybe I might be in love with him, and he’d told me once that he loved me. One day I just decided Sam was the dude for me and I sent Azir on his way. It wasn’t as easy as I make it sound and I still wonder sometimes if I’m over the sheik.
I knew if he called Sam, it meant the people they had to save had an obvious medical crisis.
“Okay.” I sighed again. “Do I have time to put a couple of protection charms together for you?”
He smiled. “I love you.”
I rolled my eyes. “I love you, too. Just come back in one piece.” Then I hugged him. He’s said those same words to me more times than I can count.
I put together the charms while Sam gathered his things.
“Sorry about the rush, but I need to run home and pack. He said this one might be awhile.”
I bit my lip. I swear, I will kill Azir next time I see him. There are hundreds of doctors he could call. Why did he have to call Sam? I knew the answer. Sam was discreet and talented. There wasn’t anyone more qualified for the job, and Azir always wanted the best.
We kissed good-bye and I handed him the charms. “I’m not terribly happy with him right now, but give the extra one to Azir.”
Sam kissed me again, and I drank in as much of him as I could, from his patchouli scent to the warmth of his strong arms.
1 p.m .
I called Peggy, who is the head of the local coven. The coven is what keeps Sweet the special place that it is. No evil is allowed in, and they can spot it fast if it does drop by for a visit. They’ve helped me out so many times over the past few months it isn’t funny. They don’t seem to mind that evil is attracted to me, but they do like a warning now and then if possible.
We went through all the niceties. Then I had to give it to her straight.
“Here’s the deal.” I cleared my throat. “There’s a warlock who is involved in some dark magic.”
She clucked her tongue. “Let me guess, he’s been trying to kill you?”
I was glad she couldn’t see my eyes roll.
“Yes. He’s someone from my past and