on LiquiNu, and the
poorer citizens of the OutRim did.
She shuddered to think of it.
Kali asked Howl to go grab her forgotten TalkMe from her room,
and read popular news feeds as she ate, easing into a comfortable
Sunlight filtered through the glass panes of the ceiling to
floor doors that led into the garden. Past the patio, was a
wonderland glistening under the early morning sun, and a pink dawn
highlighted fluffy clouds.
Done with the news, Kali slid her fingers over the TalkMe
touch screen. She brought up the remote application to turn on
music. After a brief pause, the gentle twinkling of a harp mixed
with a rocky baseline blasted through the house. The programme was
popular, analyzing the requester’s brainwaves and heart rate to
determine what genre of music the listener would be receptive to
and stringing the notes together in real time. Each piece was a
unique symphony.
Kali enjoyed hearing how she felt. It was oddly
She finished the second dumpling, and sipped the tart orange
juice, raising an eyebrow as she read yet another story on how
agitated people were becoming due to a rumoured Quarantine that had
come into effect, the first in a decade.
Max, wet hair slicked back, strode into the kitchen, and
pulled up a stool. Dropping onto the padded seat, he snatched the
last dumpling from her hand. “Mine,” he crowed. He devoured it in
one chomp. “Hmm. Sweet.” He licked chocolaty fingers and waggled
his eyebrows.
Kali used a finger to slide him her glass of juice. She forced
a smile. She’d offered the dumpling after all. The fact he’d made
it in time to make good on the offer was standard. She’d had two
dumplings, instead of three. It didn’t matter.
Kali repeated that like a mantra; two was as delightful as
“ Learn anything last night?” Max asked. His eyes roamed for
He spied the cereal box and grabbed it before scowling.
Reading Max’s DNA, the box turned red, and an advertisement for a
new FloBi flickered on.
“ There should be a new box in the bottom cupboard next to the
His eyebrows plunged, and he smirked. “Aren’t I a
“ Do I look like a FetchMe,” she snapped, and dumped the empty
box in the trash compactor.
Chuckling, Max went hunting for a bowl and milk. “You should
upgrade this kitchen.” Kali shrugged. He shook his head.
“ Whatever. Last night I watched a martial arts film. Things got
Max dumped food on the table with a clatter. “Show
Kali jumped off the stool, and opened a draw to snag a rather
large knife. Without turning, she said, “In-between the two picture
frames on the far wall.”
The space she referred to was about an inch thick in width. As
she opened and closed the draw an additional two times with one
hand, Kali quarter turned, and without pausing to blink threw the
knife with her free hand into the opposite wall. It embedded itself
in-between the picture frames, dead centre.
“ That was my left hand,” she said proudly, wiggling her digits.
“I’m ambidextrous.”
Max clapped his heavy palms together then clicked his thumbs
to give her gun fingers. “Stellar. You still can’t apply the same
learning technique to analytical abilities rather than
Kali shook her head then tucked hair behind her ears before
dragging her clip out, wincing when hair pulled. She held the clip
in her mouth freeing her hands to do the ponytail again. “If it’s
purely movement of the body, I watch it once, and can imitate if
it’s physically possible. But anything that requires use of
intellect, like cracking ComUni code, I can’t do.” She frowned as
she finished the ponytail with a flourish. “If I watched somebody
hack into a database then was able to hack into the same database
using the same key strokes on a VirtuaPad, sure. I’d be moving my
fingers in a certain pattern, but that wouldn’t work in any
realistic scenario.”
“ You’re smart
Silver Flame (Braddock Black)