Champagne and Bullets: Book 1 (Military Moguls)

Champagne and Bullets: Book 1 (Military Moguls) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Champagne and Bullets: Book 1 (Military Moguls) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Olivia Jaymes
Tags: Romance, Military
on the four inch heels she wore.
    “Easy there. Are you okay?”
    Dear God, she couldn’t catch a break. Seb was standing right in front of her with a concerned expression, his fingers sending heat to every part of her body.
    “I’m fine. I just didn’t realize anyone was on the other side of the door, that’s all.” She took another step back to dislodge his hands but it only made things worse. One hand slid down her back while the other traveled up to her jaw, tracing it with his rough fingers.
    “I came to talk to you.”
    The overwhelming pleasure of his touch was almost more than she could bear. She knew he could see the heightened color in her cheeks but could he hear the galloping of her heart? It sounded like a timpani in her ears, drowning out any of the noise from the party below.
    “I’m okay.” His massive frame was blocking her path. “If you will excuse me, Seb?”
    Instead of moving he stepped forward, forcing her back into the bathroom. Swinging the door shut, he reached back and clicked the lock. She was now trapped in a small room with the man who had hurt her more than anyone. Even Emmett. If it weren’t so tragic, she might well be laughing.
    Except that it was happening to her.
    “We need to talk, Amanda. Honestly. The tension is so thick between us we could cut it with a knife. We’re going to see each other from time to time. We have to be able to deal with it.”
    His declaration only served to turn her anguish to anger. Always the alpha male, he decided something so everyone had to fucking fall in line. She wasn’t that naive little girl anymore who worshipped the ground he walked on. As a woman she could see his flaws along with all the wonderful qualities she’d fallen in love with.
    “Did you follow me up here? I won’t be stalked, Seb.” Her fingers tightened on her purse to keep from smacking his too handsome face. He thought he had all the answers. “Now let me out.”
    “No.” His expression was implacable and he was rooted to the spot in front of the door. “Stop being so stubborn. We need to talk about us.”
    “There is no us,” she hissed. “There hasn’t been an us for many years. Did you get a head injury in Afghanistan and forget that you canceled the wedding and left?”
    Shit, now he’d done it. He had her babbling about things she’d never wanted to talk about again.
    “It was my leg that was injured. My head is fine. My heart, on the other hand, isn’t. There’s still something between us, Mandy. I feel it and I know you do too. We can’t ignore this.”
    Red hot anger rose up inside of her. Who in the fuck did he think he was? She wouldn’t allow him to rock her carefully arranged world. She’d worked too hard to get to this place in her life.
    “Really? I can. Watch me.” She pushed at his body but wasn’t able to budge him an inch. “Get the hell out of my way, Seb. I don’t give a shit what you think is still between us. I’m done.”
    “I’m not moving, Mandy. I know you’re mad at me. I know I hurt you but I want to make up for that.”
    “Fuck you.”
    Amanda tried to squeeze past him but he simply lifted her up in his arms and deposited her on the vanity. She pummeled him with her fists and cracked his shin a few times with her high heel but he easily overcame her struggles, his strength far superior to her own.
    “Calm down, Mandy.” His cool voice only pissed her off even more. Gently he captured her wrists in one hand while his legs trapped her own against the cabinet. Reaching down, he slid her shoes from her feet. They fell to the floor with a thud that matched the pounding of her heart. Her breath was coming in shallow gasps and a flame was beginning to lick along her veins.
    Seb fucking knew what being helpless did to her. In their youth they’d experimented with sex and they’d found she had a predilection to be submissive. It was as if giving up control to him gave her permission to enjoy making love. A therapist
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