Chained: A Bad Boy Romance

Chained: A Bad Boy Romance Read Online Free PDF

Book: Chained: A Bad Boy Romance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nora Flite
around him. I... Blinking, clarity hit me hard. What is wrong with me? God, am I that desperate?
    I didn't remember the last time I'd had sex, but I didn't think I was so eager I'd throw caution to the wind and flirt with a damn convict.
    I pushed on, struggling to speak calmly. “Tell me about your brother, were you guys close?”
    Immediately his body language changed. Owen sat up straight, a sternness on his face. “I'm not going to talk about him, so don't ask me again.” He looked towards the back wall, taking in the clock.
    His demeanor had changed so drastically. Obviously, that was a sore spot for him.
    Owen whispered, “I could smell your perfume for a while after last time, it stayed with me. I enjoyed that.” He inhaled a deep breath through his nose then exhaled a sigh of pleasure. 
    I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Owen, we need to talk about you, what happened between you and your—” I was unable to complete my question.
    He lifted his fists and slammed them down on the table with such force that my pen rolled off. It landed by his foot. “Don't,” he growled.
    I was frozen for a moment, stuck in limbo, unable to move an inch. Forcing myself to move, I bent under the table and reached down for my pen.
    Owen did the same.
    In that moment, his hand brushed mine. Our eyes met and his finger rubbed my wrist with a soft, sensitive touch. Pleasure rode through my body, tingles shot from head to toe. Quickly I pulled my arm back, abandoning the pen.
    He sat up and held out the pen to me. “Sorry, that's just not something I'm going to talk about.”
    I wanted to grab his hand, I wanted him to touch me more. That single stroke of his finger was addicting.
    Ugh! You can't do this! He's a convict, a murderer! Why am I feeling this? Stop, Charlie! You need to get control. This is insane.
    Despite the rage I had just witnessed, I wanted him. I wanted to feel him, feel his hands against my skin. My heart raced uncontrollably inside my chest. Our eyes were locked on each other, neither of us breaking the stare.
    He exhaled a deep breath. “Look, there are some things that I can't and won't talk about. My only reason for being here is to get out early, nothing else.”
    Nothing else. Of course, he just wanted his freedom. Still, hearing him say that it was his only reason... it cut me a little. Yes, he didn't know me—and I shouldn't want him to desire me—but I couldn't deny some disappointment from his bluntness.
    You don't want to be his reason for coming here, Charlie.
    I considered his reaction again. His face had turned to stone, I'd seen the hurt in his eyes.
    Owen's brother had cut him deep.
    “Okay,” I said, “he's off the table. What about other family, your dad? Your mom?” I wanted to be cautious with what and how I asked. His reaction unnerved me, but I didn't want him to shut down.
    “My mom I don't even remember, all I was ever told was she moved out west and wanted nothing to do with us. My father... well, let's just say he's a waste of life.” His eyes moved from me to his arms, hands interlocking while he rubbed his thumbs together.
    “Everyone has issues with their past, with their families,” I said. “I understand that, my family is far from perfect. Why do you think I became a therapist?” I wanted to create a common ground for him, have him see that he wasn't alone.
    He shrugged his shoulders while looking around the room. “Am I supposed to just pour my past out for you onto this table? Do you expect me to fill your notebook with stories of abuse so you can rationalize my behavior? Put the blame on them? I don't work that way. I gave you an answer. It might not be what you want, but it's all you're fucking getting.”
    I was unprepared for that, no one had ever been so candid towards me. I didn't know how to respond, but I made myself speak. “That's not what I expect at all. Your past doesn't free you from responsibility. You chose to kill that man. I'm just
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