Certified Disaster (Beautiful Mess Book 2)

Certified Disaster (Beautiful Mess Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Certified Disaster (Beautiful Mess Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer Preston
    “Good.  Now before I ask this other
thing, I want you to promise me you’ll keep an open mind, okay?”
    “Okay,”she replied warily.
    “You know I have my weekly clinics
for my drawing class on Wednesdays.  Well, we need models for those clinics,
and we get extra credit if we bring in someone.”   He paused nervously.  He wasn’t sure how Bri was going to take this.  “So,
I was wondering if you’d be willing to come in and model for us?”
    She sat frozen for a moment.  “Um,
this wouldn’t require nakedness, would it?”
    “Why, do you object to nakedness?”he grinned.  Man,
what he wouldn’t give to see that.    “No, no nakedness,”he continued when
she just glared at him.  “For our next unit, my professor is looking for some
ballerinas to come in and pose for us.  You would be fully clothed, I promise.”   Unfortunately. 
    “Oh, okay then.  Um, sure, why not?”
    “Really?  Because you don’t have to
if you don’t want to.”
    “No really, I think it’d be kind of
    “Okay.  I’ll let Professor Bailey
know, and he’ll have his assistant call you to schedule a night.”
    “Sounds good.  Well, I guess I’d
better get home, and let you get to sleep.”   She went to stand up, but Cole pulled her back down.  Now that he had
her here, he was going to take advantage of it.
    “I’m sorry, but you can’t go quite
grinned wolfishly at her.  “I haven’t seen you all week, and I’m not letting
you get away that easily.”   He captured her lips, and made up for all the time he’d missed that
    On Friday night, Cole was in the
locker room after practice.   A couple of the guys were talking about who they
were bringing to the dinner the next night, when Jordan sat down next to him.
    “Cole, my brother from another
mother!  Tell me, who is that fine piece of ass you’ve been hanging with
lately?  Are you bringing her tomorrow night?”
    Cole smiled tightly.  He knew Jordan
was just being Jordan, trying to razz him a bit, but it still set his teeth on
edge to hear him refer to Bri like that.
    “Her name is Bri.  You’ve met her
before, at my birthday party, remember?”he replied stiffly.  “And Jordan?  No offense, but if I ever hear you
talk about her like that again, you and I are going to have a problem,”he finished
    Jordan held up his hands.  “No
problem.  I apologize, I didn’t realize it was that serious.  I thought you
were like these other idiots here, just chasing some tail.  But, I see how it
is now,”he
gave Cole a knowing smirk.  “Please give Bri my warmest regards.”
    “Yeah, I’ll do that,”Cole shook his
head, grinning.  “What about you, J?  Anyone special caught your eye yet?”
    “Plenty have caught my eye, and I
fully intend to pursue each and every one.”   He smiled smugly.  “That’s what you should be doing, too.  You’re a
basketball star.  You should be taking advantage of all the benefits that come
with that.”
    “Yeah right,”Cole scoffed.  “I’m a second string
bench warmer.  I doubt anyone on campus even knows who I am.”
    “Oh trust me, they know,”Jordan winked at
him.  “Well, I’ll see all you suckers tomorrow.  Peace!”he yelled and swaggered out of the
locker room.  Only Jordan could pull off an exit like that.
     And for a moment, Cole found
himself jealous of him.  His starting position, his notoriety, his confidence. 
But then he thought about Bri, and how lucky he was, and set himself straight. 
That player lifestyle may suit Jordan, but Cole had something so much better.
    Deciding he needed a little
pick-me-up, he headed down to Bri’s place.  If he was lucky, he might be able
to catch her in the shower.  Hey, a guy could dream, right?
    On Saturday night, Cole knocked on
Bri’s door.  He wore his charcoal suit with Bri’s favorite dark blue shirt.  He
was feeling pretty confident in his appearance,
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