Cat to the Dogs

Cat to the Dogs Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cat to the Dogs Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shirley Rousseau Murphy
the two large canine noses, then regarded Joe. “You’d better tell me what this is about. But please, make it brief. Cut to the chase, Joe. It’s too early for a long-winded dissertation.”
    Joe chomped the offending flea. The one-spot flea killer was okay, but it took the little beasts a while to die.
    â€œJoe, where did you find the dogs? Why did you bring home two dogs? From the size of their noses, I assume they are rather large. From the sound of them and their behavior, I imagine that they are young. What are they, Great Danes? Are there more outside? What did you do, drag home a whole litter?
    â€œ I did not bring them home! There are only two. I think they’re half Great Dane.”
    â€œThey followed you by accident. You really didn’t know they were there.” Sighing, Clyde stepped to the front door.
    The instant he turned the knob releasing the latch, the pair burst through, in their enthusiasm slamming the door against Clyde and slamming Clyde against the wall.
    Dancing around the living room like two drunk buffalo in a phone booth, the pups leaped at Clyde, delighted to meet him, ripped his lab coat across his chest, and slurped dog spit across his face.
    Joe, having fled to the top of the CD player, watched their happy display with interest.
    â€œThey’re hungry, Joe. Look at them, they’re all bones. They need food. Can’t you see they’re starving?” Clyde knelt to hug the monster puppies, his voice softening to a patter of pet words that sickened the tomcat.
    â€œThey can’t be five months old.” He looked up at Joe. “They’re going to be huge. Where did they come from? Where did you find them? Well, you could at least have found some food for them—”
    â€œCaught them a rabbit, I suppose?”
    â€œWell, yes, you could have done that.”
    â€œAnd give them tularemia? Pierce their livers with rabbit bones?”
    Clyde rose and headed for the kitchen, trampled by the fawning pups. “You don’t have tularemia. Your liver seems okay.”
    â€œI’m a cat. Cats don’t get tularemia. My liver can handle anything. They’re here only because they followed me, because I couldn’t ditch them. There was a wreck—”
    â€œThey’re probably thirsty, too. Look at them. You could have led them to some water.”
    â€œI’m trying to tell you, there was a wreck. The cops are there now. If you would listen…”
    Clyde lifted the loose skin on one pup’s neck and let it go. It didn’t snap back, but remained in a long wrinkle. “They’re dehydrated, Joe.”
    He filled the dishpan with water and set it on the floor.
    â€œWill you listen to me! There was a wreck. A car went into Hellhag Canyon,” Joe shouted over the racket of the two pups slurping and splashing. “The guy lost his brakes—nice ’67 Corvette—powder blue—totally trashed it.”
    â€œReally?” Clyde said with more interest. “A Corvette. I haven’t seen a ’67 Corvette around the village in a long time. Was the driver someone we know? How bad was he hurt? Are the police there?”
    â€œThey’re there. But if they don’t look at the brake line…”
    Clyde turned to stare at him. “What?”
    â€œThe brake line. It was cut. If the cops—”
    â€œDon’t start, Joe.”
    â€œStart what?”
    â€œYou know what. Meddling. Don’t start meddling. You always think—”
    â€œIf they don’t look closely at the brake line,” Joe said patiently, “they might not see it was cut.”
    Clyde sighed.
    â€œSharp slice. Near the right front wheel. The brake fluid—”
    â€œBrake fluid all over the road.”
    â€œ If it was cut, Harper’s men will find it. Don’t you think they know their job? Can’t you keep out of anything? You bring home two
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