Cassandra's Dilemma

Cassandra's Dilemma Read Online Free PDF

Book: Cassandra's Dilemma Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heather Long
displaying his credentials.
    Cassie spared them a brief look before returning her gaze to his face. Book’s eyes were the most amazing shade of brown and hazel, like a beautiful autumn day. “I know, you said earlier.”
    “I’m going to advise you of your rights…”
    “My rights?” Cassie blinked. The words brought her up short. “I’m a suspect?” Behind her, Helcyon’s fingers tensed on her shoulder. Book’s gaze flickered up and to her right.
    He looked at Helcyon, a challenge edging his expression.
    Cassie squeezed Helcyon’s hand before letting her fingers slide away. The situation was not unsalvageable, but she didn’t need the Fae acting in a way that would draw more attention to them.
    Well, more attention than the scrutiny the agent was already pointing in their direction.
    “Standard operating procedure.” Book offered another solicitous smile and apologetic look. He seemed only moments away from an “aww shucks.” His attractiveness and great eyes aside, Cassie’s internal alarms clanged a wary warning. “I can wait for you to contact an attorney if you wish.”
    How is it standard operating procedure? I’m a victim. Not a suspect.
    “No. I want to help. I want to know who did this. I want to know who killed Billy.” She didn’t need any acting skills to manufacture the emotions aroused by the statement. She really wanted the ones who killed Billy. He was a great kid and a better friend. The terrorists needed to be caught.
    “Excellent.” He recited the Miranda and then produced a digital recording device. “I’d use the PDA, but it tends to fry it out when I do that.”
    “You should upgrade. My BlackBerry lets me do virtually everything except fire warp engines.” She’d never had much luck with the handheld devices. Why the BlackBerry was more successful than the others, she wasn’t sure, but it was.
    “I was thinking about an iPhone.” Book smiled again, but the toothy grin didn’t relax her. “That way I can watch my Scott McCoy and J.J. McQuade whenever I feel like it.”
    “Lone Wolf McQuade?” Cassie laughed. “I didn’t know anyone admitted to liking Chuck Norris movies.” The utter humanness of his Chuck Norris affection yanked the rug out from under her worry and indignation. It was sweet .
    “Always liked his raw strength. His determination and his duty to do the right thing—no matter how uncool it might be.” The gold flecks in his brown eyes warmed as he spoke.
    “I suppose there are worse heroes to admire.”
    “Helps that he kicked ass.” Book leaned forward, legs spread slightly and elbows resting lightly on his thighs. His brown suit showed wrinkles from too much wear. The faint musty odor of fresh aftershave over sweat suggested no time for a shower recently. The tiredness left shadows around his eyes. If he was investigating the bombing, there was every chance he’d been allowed little time for sleep while sifting through the evidence. Cassie’s reluctant annoyance softened. The agent was just doing his job and in a climate where terrorism had left its mark on their country.
    “Lies are better received when layered with truth.” She focused on Sartre. She’d memorized whole passages in high school, and the mental mantras got her through tough meetings with clients who wanted to play hardball. The mental recitations kept her from throwing things in childish temper when events didn’t go her way.
    “I would have thought you would prefer ‘Like all dreamers, I mistook disenchantment for truth.’” A hint of something gleamed in his eyes as her gaze was inextricably drawn back to his. She could lose herself in those golden flecks, counting each tiny chip of gold as priceless in the honey brown.
    Cassie responded to the warmth of his tone, the casual openness of his body posture, and the teasing glint in his eye. “Hell is other people.”
    The rush of masculine laughter stroked her insides like a feather, sending a wave of rippling
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