Carol Higgins Clark Boxed Set - Volume 1: This eBook collection contains Zapped, Cursed, and Wrecked.

Carol Higgins Clark Boxed Set - Volume 1: This eBook collection contains Zapped, Cursed, and Wrecked. Read Online Free PDF

Book: Carol Higgins Clark Boxed Set - Volume 1: This eBook collection contains Zapped, Cursed, and Wrecked. Read Online Free PDF
Author: Carol Higgins Clark
guard their businesses before it got dark. When it happens at night and everything gets thrown into darkness so fast, people who ordinarily wouldn’t steal can act impulsively….” What am I saying this to my mother for, Regan wondered. “But on the radio they’re saying that things are pretty peaceful so far. It’s well past rush hour, so most of the commuters have already left the city.”
    “Get home as soon as you can and lock the doors.”
    “I will. Say hi to Dad. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
    At Fifty-fourth Street, Regan turned right. Her headlights shone onto a block party in full swing. Music was blaring, people were dancing in the street, and flames were lapping from barbecue grills that had been carted out onto the sidewalk. Regan inched her way forward, on the lookout for the address Kit had given her. She knew it was on the right hand side of the street. Glancing around, Regan thought it could have been New Year’s Eve. All the stoops were overflowing with revelers. Everyone on this block must have invited their friends over. Finally she double-parked the car and got out.
    “Regan!” Kit called through the crowd, crutching her way toward the car. A young guy was clearing the path for her.
    Regan hurried over to open the passenger door. She hugged Kit, who she could tell was tense. Her foot must really be hurting, Regan thought.
    “Regan, this is Billy,” Kit said brusquely. “He’s coming with us.”
    “Sure,” Regan answered, as she shook Billy’s hand, hoping he wasn’t some nutcase. But he looked and seemed like a sweet guy.
    While Kit maneuvered herself into the front seat, Billy got in the back, and Regan threw the crutches in the trunk.
    When they were all in the car, Regan joked, “This party looks like fun. Are you sure you want to leave? Those hot dogs smell good.”
    Kit put her hand on Regan’s arm. “Regan—” she began, then paused.
    “Kit, what’s wrong? Do you feel all right?”
    “I just got a phone call from someone at the conference who’s over at the hotel and knew I went to a comedy club with that girl—”
    “The one who left you there.”
    Kit nodded. “Georgina Mathieson is her name. A good friend of hers was arrested today for shoplifting. She and Georgina went on quite a spree in Atlanta on Saturday. Someone wrote down part of this other girl’s license plate number. They have the two of them on security tapes, stuffing clothing into their bags. The police caught up with Georgina’s friend Paulette a few hours ago.”
    “Georgina’s a shoplifter?” Regan asked. “Maybe she’s headed down to my apartment.”
    “Someone broke in tonight. I walked in on them and they got away.”
    “That’s terrible!” Kit said. “But, Regan, this is worse!”
    Regan was about to make a flippant remark, but Kit looked so worried, she stopped herself. “Tell me.”
    “This Paulette is cooperating with the police. She told them that Georgina picks up blond guys in comedy clubs, drugs them with knockout drops, then lures them to her car and drives to an isolated place where she burns their arm with a brand that says I AM A SNAKE and leaves them there. Just like she left me tonight! After spending a few minutes with her, I could tell she was odd, but not this crazy. Regan, the hostess at the comedy club said earlier that she’d seen Georgina smoking out on the sidewalk, then getting into a cab with a guy who bummed a cigarette from her. A guy who’s blond! He doesn’t know what he’s in for!”
    “Comedy clubs!” Billy practically squeaked from the back seat. “My parents never wanted me to be a comedian. Wait until they hear this! For once I’m glad I don’t have blond hair.”
    “Kit, I wonder why she invited you to go out with her then.”
    “She’d been trying to get a group together. She doesn’t have a car so maybe she didn’t plan on attacking anyone tonight. But the opportunity arose and she couldn’t resist.”
    “Is that
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