Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace

Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace Read Online Free PDF

Book: Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 2 - Hidden Menace Read Online Free PDF
Author: David Buck
her mother Apinal into the Deltas Vass clearing and took in the impressive form of the matriarch fixed in the ground before her. A legion of male Deltas Vass drones encircled her and glared protectively at the two Quixxe females. Deshinal put aside any fears for her siblings held nearby, as she instinctively attempted to hide her height and heavier frame. The Deltas Vass destroyer commander trailed behind both of them, before he stepped out from one side and gave his matriarch a full formal bow in silence.
    Quickly the two Quixxe repeated the gesture before falling to their knees in supplication. The matriarch considered the two Quixxe in front of her for long moments, and gave a terse instruction tinged with musical chimes of humor, before asking her first questions in standard Vorinne language with a lilting accent.
     ‘Off your knees the both of you and none of your species pathetic wailing or squawking. I do not recognize the authority of either the Vorinne or the Zronte to take slaves and I never will. I also care little for the implied threat of the edicts upon the younger female Quixxe in front of me. So now that I have told you too much about me and I know now you had a good reason to flee, who are you? And why have you chosen to visit me directly?’
    Apinal allowed herself a brief sense of relief as she parsed through the matriarch’s first comment, for she was sure she was in the presence of the life chapter matriarch. The traditionally hidden in plain sight matriarch was the one that the Zronte and sometimes the Vorinne sought to kill as a matter of course. Apinal knew she could offer no diversion as she respectfully gave her answers.
    ‘Your Eminence, we thank you for your sanctuary. I am Apinal of the Vorinne colony of Vituma IV, with my offspring and a stolen Vorinne scout ship. The colony is administered by Lord of Systems Malang’troh, liege lord of the Vorinne second envoy. My daughter Deshinal is a variform of our race, and we fled to your world so we can live far from the attentions of Zronte especially. Deshinal is fertile and capable of breeding and we seek your instructions and protection as a result.’
    The matriarch kept silent for many moments as she considered the information, before she spoke in the musical chimes of the Deltas Vass language to both the destroyer commander and a drone holding an advanced medical scanner. The drone came forward and patiently scanned a nervous Deshinal, as the matriarch and the commander continued their own conversation.
    The medical drone stepped back and kept silent for several minutes, before the matriarch was done with the commander’s lengthy report. The drone then made a shorter report to the matriarch that the massive female considered at further length. The commander and the drone then bowed again and stood to one side as the matriarch reverted to standard Vorinne language to speak at length with the two Quixxe females.
    ‘The medical drone verifies your claims Apinal, as Deshinal is capable of conceiving a range of Quixxe forms, however the methods that are later used to implement this possibility may not appeal to her. Deshinal, I only recommend that when the time comes to aid your race that you consider all options. Also you will remain in hiding as your existence is death to vassals that aid you in your flight. Now the commander states that the scout ship is an experimental design and is of high value to our cause. You will remain well hidden with your family and will all be taken elsewhere in the galaxy where a home will be provided for you. I have contacts who will wish to see information on the ship you stole, and you and your family will be part of the trade.’
    Apinal felt great relief as she gave a series of bows in response but had the common sense to remain silent. She was conscious of Deshinal mirroring her actions before both the Quixxe females were escorted from the holy clearing by the destroyer commander and several drones. Apinal was
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