
Captive Read Online Free PDF

Book: Captive Read Online Free PDF
Author: K. M. Fawcett
Tags: Romance
spoke in that monotone card-game-directions voice.
    “You know, you’re a real pain in the ass.” She hoped her anger hid the terror coursing through her. The cult murdered the people who tried to escape? She clamped her teeth together to keep her jaw from trembling.
    Max sauntered toward her, a knowing smirk on his face. “And you,” he began in a sultry tone, “are even more beautiful when you’re fired up.”
    The sudden one-eighty change in his demeanor caught her off guard. Her fear-thudding heart now flipped in excitement. He’d obviously practiced that voice more than a few times.
    Max ran a finger up the length of her arm, leaving goose bumps in its wake. She stepped back. How the heck did he turn on the bedroom eyes so fast? “Don’t,” she breathed.
    “It’s why we’re here.”
    “What about the song? You know, ‘“Patience’?”
    He moved closer. “I ran out.”
    Stepping back again, she bumped into the wall next to the fireplace. Smoke wafted to her with its unusual fragrance, seeped into her head and made her dizzy. Or was the dizziness due to Max, half naked, closing in on her, desire burning in his eyes?
    Maybe if she kept him talking, he’d change his mind. “How m-many times have you done this?”
    Idiot. Don’t talk about sex!
    He took another step and bowed his head down toward her. “Enough to know how to satisfy you.”
    Her belly quivered. She had no doubt he was telling the truth. Heat from the fireplace coursed through her body, warming her most secret places. She slid along the wall, heart thumping like a jackrabbit’s. Her throat dried. She couldn’t take her gaze off his penetrating eyes. His sleek, muscular body moved like a bobcat stalking his prey, waiting for the right moment to pounce and tear into her.
    Was it wrong that part of her wanted him to? No doubt the sex would be awesome.
    What was she thinking? It didn’t matter that Max was hot. It didn’t even matter that her body responded to his sexual prowess. She didn’t know him and she didn’t want to have sex for some murderous cult. And she sure as hell didn’t want to get pregnant by a man who slept with countless women and fathered... “H-how many babies did you make?”
    He pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. “No idea.”
    “You’ve been a sex slave for fifteen years and you don’t know if you have kids?”
    “I’m sure I wouldn’t be here if I were sterile.” He rested his hands on the wall trapping her between thick arms.
    Anyone emanating masculinity and sex like he did couldn't be sterile. His lips, mere inches from hers, tempted her to taste him. Their breath mingled in sensual intimacy. If only she could glance away, but his gaze held hers captive. She swallowed. “Doesn’t it bother you to know you have children out there somewhere?”
    He paused. A far-off look clouded his eyes. Was he backing down?
    With a shake of his head, the lustful eyes returned. “No more talking. It distracts from the seduction.”
    “But I—” His mouth, soft yet powerful, covered hers. Liquid heat flooded her veins. His lips coaxed hers open offering a sampling of his fruit-sweetened tongue. Then, slowly, his kiss withdrew.
    Breathless and trembling, she gaped at him, mouth still tingling from his five o’clock shadow. Never in her twenty-three years had she been kissed with such sensuous hunger before. And never had her body reacted with such intensity.
    The room swayed as if she were tipsy. Lightheaded.
    His sexy half smile spoke of unleashed desire. “Don’t be afraid.”
    Supercharged, her body revved on the starting line, waiting for her brain to give the green light. But the signal never changed. Her thoughts chanted: Sex. Slavery. Selling babies.
    He planted soft kisses on her neck.
    Shivers shot throughout her body. Her breasts tingled with the need to be touched. Her head spun with drunken passion. She closed her eyes, lost in sensation. In one swoop, he lifted her into his arms, carried
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