really didn’t have any time to spare, I headed straight for the vegetables. I grabbed a few carrots, some potatoes, and parsnips. Once I had that, I went to the meat department and grabbed a nice roast, before getting the rest of the things I would need to help me prepare the food. Since I really didn’t have time to stop anywhere else, I grabbed a bottle of red wine and a six-pack of Heineken to go with it.
I was happy when I got home and didn’t see Onijae’s car. Since today was Saturday, I wasn’t expecting him to be home for another three to four hours. The timing would be perfect, because it would provide me with more than enough time to get everything cooked, and set up for tonight. Pulling into the garage, I happily bounced out of the car and proceeded to bring in all of the bags. It took me a few minutes to carry everything inside, but I did it.
As soon as I had gotten myself together, I took all of the bags that I got from the grocery store and brought them into the kitchen. Without missing a beat, I washed my hands, rolled up my sleeves and began the task of cooking. I began cutting up the vegetables and potatoes first. When I was through, I seasoned them, placed them in the pot and sat them on the stove to simmer. Removing the roast from its pack, I placed it in the sink and washed it off, before I seasoned it and placed it in the pan and threw it in the oven. I would wait until everything was almost done to pop the rolls in the oven. Since I brought a cake from the store, I didn’t have to prepare dessert, but I did remove it from its box and place it in the glass cake stand that was on the table. I then set up the table, with candles. Once I had everything going, I grabbed the bags from the foyer and headed upstairs to get the bedroom ready.
After remaking the bed and spreading candles throughout the room, I pulled out the two bags of roses and started a trail from the door to the bed. I then took the rose petals and made a heart in the middle of the bed. Once I was done, I grabbed the black box that contained the watch I’d just bought from Macy’s and placed it in the middle of the heart. Satisfied with the outcome, I headed back downstairs to check on the food. That shit had the whole house smelling good. After I placed the food on a low fire, I headed back upstairs to prepare myself for the night.
* * *
It was almost nine o’clock that night, when everything was finally done. I had Nicki Minaj’s “Feeling Myself”, blaring through the speakers of my phone and I can honestly say that I was indeed feeling myself right now. I stood in the mirror admiring the way I was looking. I was dressed in a bare-all Chantilly lace plunge teddy that I had gotten from Victoria’s Secret. On my feet, I had on a pair of black, patent leather, peep toe platform heels. I placed my hair into a ponytail, with some Chinese bangs. Since I was already pretty, I only applied little makeup to my face with some Black MAC lipstick.
Picking up my phone and Bluetooth pill speaker, I began heading downstairs. I was placing the speaker on the table when my phone began ringing. Looking at the screen, I noticed that it was my sister calling. Rolling my eyes, I had a good mind to let her call roll to voicemail after the shit she put me through today. I don’t know how long it was going to take me to get over that shit, but her ass couldn’t get a damn thing from me anytime soon. Going against my better judgement, I answered anyway.
“Hello,” I answered, with a bit of an attitude.
“Bitch, you can lose the attitude, because you know I don’t give a shit no way,” she said unbothered. I should’ve known that the shit wasn’t going to faze her. She didn’t care about anything. She had a carefree attitude that most people hated, including me. If a bitch was mad at her, they were most definitely mad by themselves, because she didn’t let anything get to her. She was the type of chick, who would sit