Camp X

Camp X Read Online Free PDF

Book: Camp X Read Online Free PDF
Author: Eric Walters
things I didn’t.
    â€œMaybe,” I suggested, “if we got closer we could—”
    â€œNo,” he snapped, cutting me off. “I want to stay right here where they can’t see us.”
    â€œWhy don’t you want them to see us?”
    â€œI don’t know,” he said, shaking his head. “I just want to stay out of sight.”
    Jack’s being nervous made me feel nervous.
    â€œAre you sure we can’t be seen here?” I asked.
    â€œAs long as we stay here we’re invisible.”
    That was reassuring.
    â€œLook what they’re doing now,” Jack said.
    I tried to look around the branches. The four men were moving back and forth across the supports of the bridge.
    â€œThey’re putting up wires, I think,” he said. “You see what that one at the top is holding?”
    I stared at him hard. It was a large, round object . . . sort of like a gigantic spool of thread.
    â€œThat’s a spool that holds wire. They’re definitely attaching wire to the bridge.”
    â€œCould wire help hold up a bridge?” I asked.
    â€œThey’re not putting that wire there to hold up the bridge.”
    â€œWhat do you mean?”
    â€œThose men aren’t here to repair the bridge . . . I thinkthey’re here to blow it up.”

    â€œ QUIT JOKING AROUND, JACK ,” I said nervously.
    â€œI’m not joking.” His tone was quiet and serious.
    â€œWhy would anybody blow up a bridge?”
    â€œNot anybody . Enemy agents. Don’t you remember that newsreel we saw last month about saboteurs?”
    We’d gone to the movies, and before the feature film they’d shown a newsreel about the war and then a cartoon about watching for “enemy activity” here at home.
    â€œJack, this isn’t a movie, this is real life,” I pointed out.
    â€œLook what they’re doing,” Jack said.
    The four men were leaving the bridge. The last one was walking backwards, holding onto that spool—it looked almost like a big reel from a fishing rod.
    â€œHe’s laying the wire to lead to the detonator.”
    â€œCome on, Jack, you can’t know that,” I said.
    â€œI know things. I’m fourteen years old. I’ve seen stuff. I’ve read stuff.”As we watched, the last man scrambled over the near side of the embankment, leaving the tracks behind. He slipped and slid down, rocks sliding under his feet. Then he joined the other three men, taking shelter behind a large boulder.
    â€œThat’s why they’re hiding behind the rock, because they’re going to blow it up,” Jack said.
    â€œWhy would anybody want to blow up this bridge?”
    â€œThink, George!” he hissed. “This is the main railroad line to Toronto. And it goes right through the yard of the munitions factory.”
    â€œThe factory where Mom works?”
    He nodded his head.
    â€œIf you’re right, shouldn’t we do something?” I pleaded.
    â€œLike what?”
    â€œI don’t know, maybe go for help.”
    â€œCan you still see those men?” Jack asked.
    â€œOf course I can.”
    â€œThen if you tried to leave they’d see you. We’re only safe as long as we stay right here under the tree.”
    â€œEven if they did see us we could still get away. We’d just outrun them.”
    â€œYou can’t outrun a bullet,” he said grimly.
    â€œThey have guns?” Suddenly I felt very afraid. “I didn’t see any guns.”
    â€œNeither did I, but if they’re Nazi agents, don’t you think they’d have guns? We have to stay here.”
    â€œFor how long?”
    â€œI don’t know . . . until they’re gone.”
    â€œYeah, and the bridge is blown up. What if we went that way and then through the woods?” I asked.
    â€œThat wouldn’t work. As soon as we hit open water they’d see us . . . we’d be dead
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