his schedule, the door behind him opened.
    “ Hello, son. How are you?
I’ve been trying to get in touch with you for a month now. You too
good to come and see your old man? A man has a right to his family,
you know.”
    Cain looked at the man who was his
father and then to his mother, who was smiling at him. His mother
hadn’t been getting ready to leave, she’d been stalling.
    Cain slipped his jacket on. He walked
to the door when his father stepped in front of him. Cain had to
take a step back.
    “ Don’t touch me,” Cain
growled between his clenched teeth. “I’m not six anymore and I will
fight back. Get the fuck away from me and don’t contact me
    “ I paid my debt to
society, son. I’m a—”
    “ Don’t call me son. As far
as I’m concerned, you’re dead to me. Mother, when and if you get
smart and he’s gone…” Cain pointed to his father. “Give me a call.
But not before then.”
    Cain stood outside his mother’s room
and leaned against the wall. He couldn’t believe she’d done that
again. But then, his mother had always been blind by Roscoe Waite.
Not even thinking about where he was going, Cain found himself
outside of Julie’s room. Before he could change is mind, he walked
    “ Julie,” he heard Molly
say to what appeared to be an empty room. “I doubt anyone is going
to care if you smell like a ‘shit hole,’ whatever that might be.
You told me you took a shower. What the problem?”
    “ I smell like sick people.
I did take a shower, though that stupid hose thingy fell on my head
twice.” Cain didn’t say anything when Molly put her fingers to her
lips. “Where did you get this dress anyway? It’s really...I know
it’s supposed to be, but it’s very girly, isn’t it?”
    “ It’s my daughter’s. And
yes, it’s supposed to be girly. Are you about done in there? We
need to get going.”
    The funeral. Cain had forgotten it was
today. He’d signed Julie’s release papers last night thinking he’d
be too busy with his mother today to get her out on time. Now he
found himself suddenly free to go. When the door opened from the
bathroom, he wasn’t sure who was more shocked, Julie at finding him
there, or him. Christ! She was a beautiful woman.
    “ You’re lovely,” was all
he could say. When she turned to look behind her, Cain was suddenly
standing in front of her. He brushed her hair from her damp
    “ It’s the dress,” she
explained huskily. “Molly lent it to me. I’m going to Rodney’s
funeral. I can still go, can’t I?”
    Cain ran his finger down her cheek to
her jaw. She was so soft. He watched as her blue eyes darkened and
fluttered close. Lifting her chin slightly, Cain leaned down and
brushed his mouth over hers. Gently. When she didn’t stop him, he
slid his hand to the back of her head and brought her to him, her
mouth lush and wet, just inches away. Molly clearing her through
startled him. He took a step back, but he didn’t let her go. He
found that he couldn’t and didn’t want to examine that too
    “ I’m so sorry, Cain...Dr.
Waite, but we’re running behind as it is. Dr. Waite...if you’d like
to go, I have plenty of room. I’m not sure who all will be there,
    “ No! I mean no, he can’t
go, and he has things he has to way. I’m free after this
and I don’ need to let go of me. Please.”
    Cain looked at the woman in his arms,
well, not quite in his arms, but she was close. Julie really was
very beautiful. He wanted to kiss her.
    Dark hair, damp from her recent shower,
was loose and about to her shoulders. He’d never seen it down, but
he could see the curl just waiting to take over her face and head.
Her eyes, a blue that defied description, were dark as the deep
ocean with hints of purple and gold in them. Right now they were
sparkling with her embarrassment. Her lush mouth had him thinking
of dark nights with silky sheets crumpled on the floor and moans,
deep and sensual.
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