'Then there is nothing singular about her at all? Nothing to mark her out?' said Radulfus.
'There is the manner of her burial,' said Hugh. 'Without mourning, without rites, put away unlawfully in unconsecrated ground. And yet - Cadfael will tell you. Or if you so choose, Father, you may see for yourself, for we have left her lying as we found her.'
'I begin to see,' said Radulfus with deliberation, 'that I must indeed view this dead woman for myself. But since so much has been said, you may tell me what it is that outdoes in strangeness the circumstances of her secret burial. And yet...?'
'And yet, Father, she was laid out straight and seemly, her hair braided, her hands folded on her breast, over a cross banded together from two sticks from a hedgerow or a bush. Whoever put her into the ground did so with some show of reverence.'
'The worst of men, so doing, might feel some awe,' said Radulfus slowly, frowning over this evidence of a mind torn two ways. 'But it was a deed done in the dark, secretly. It implies a worse deed, also done in the dark. If her death was natural, without implication of guilt to any man, why no priest, no rites of burial? You have not so far argued, Cadfael, that this poor creature was killed as unlawfully as she was buried, but I do so argue. What other reason can there be for having her underground in secrecy, and unblessed? And even the cross her grave-digger gave her, it seems, was cut from hedgerow twigs, never to be known as any man's property, to point a finger at the murderer! For from what you say, everything that might have given her back her identity was removed from her body, to keep a secret a secret still, even now that the plough has brought her back to light and to the possibility of grace.'
'It does indeed seem so,' Hugh said gravely, 'but for the fact that Cadfael finds no mark of injury upon her, no bone broken, nothing to show how she died. After so long in the ground, a stroke from dagger or knife might escape finding, but we've seen no sign of such. Her neck is not broken, nor her skull. Cadfael does not think she was strangled. It is as if she had died in her bed - even in her sleep. But no one would then have buried her by stealth and hidden everything that marked her out from all other women.'
'No, true! No one would so imperil his own soul but for desperate reasons.' The abbot brooded some moments in silence, considering the problem which had fallen into his hands thus strangely. Easy enough to do right to the wronged dead, as due to her immortal soul. Even without a name prayers could be said for her and Mass sung; and the Christian burial once denied her, and the Christian grave, these could be given at last. But the justice of this world also clamoured for recognition. He looked up at Hugh, one office measuring the other. 'What do you say, Hugh? Was this a murdered woman?'
'In the face of what little we know, and of the much more we do not know,' said Hugh carefully, 'I dare not assume that she is anything else. She is dead, she was thrust into the ground unshriven. Until I see reason for believing better of the deed, I view this as murder.'
'It is clear to me, then,' said Radulfus, after a moment's measuring silence, 'that you do not believe she has been long in her grave. This is no infamy from long before our time, or nothing need concern us but the proper amendment of what was done wrong to her soul. The justice of God can reach through centuries, and wait its time for centuries, but ours is helpless outside our own generation. How long do you judge has passed since she died?'
'I can but hazard, and with humility,' said Cadfael. 'It may have been no more than a year, it may have been three or four, even five years,
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