Broken World (Book 3): Mad World

Broken World (Book 3): Mad World Read Online Free PDF

Book: Broken World (Book 3): Mad World Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kate L. Mary
Tags: Zombies
us…” I try to swallow again, but it doesn’t work. A ball the size of Mount Everest is lodged in my throat. How the hell did it fit in there?
    “So we shower,” she says slowly.
    “Yes.” My voice is barely a whisper.
    When I’m done, I wrap a fluffy towel around my body and go back to the hotel room. I don’t wait for Hadley. I want a few minutes by myself with these men. She keeps crying, and it’s making it impossible for me to think. To get a good read on the situation. There has to be a way out of this.
    The linebackers and the man with gray hair are still here, but Suit Man is here now, too. He frowns when I walk out. “You can drop the towel.”
    When I don’t move, he takes two quick steps toward me and jerks it away from my body. My hand lashes out on its own and makes contact with his face. A bright red streak cuts across his cheek, and his jaw tightens. He walks toward me. I hold my breath and brace myself. He’s going to hit me. I know it. There’s no way in hell he’s going to let this go.
    He clenches his fist, but he doesn’t hit me. He does take another step toward me, leaving less than six inches of space between us. “Watch yourself.” The words hiss through his clenched teeth. “You are very lucky I’ve been instructed not to damage the merchandise. Otherwise, you’d be on your ass right now.” He moves even closer until there’s only an inch of fresh air separating us. His breath smells like stale coffee. “But I can make your life a living hell.”
    “Too late,” I spit at him. Probably a stupid move, but I was never one to keep my mouth shut.
    He snorts and steps back a little. “You have no idea.”
    My throat tightens. He’s right. I don’t have a clue what’s going on here or what Hadley and I are in for. I should take my own advice and cooperate.
    “Let’s get this over with,” Suit Man says, no longer looking at me.
    The gray-haired man steps toward me. His eyes flick to my arms, crossed over my chest. He grabs my wrist and jerks my arms free. “Arms down.” Then he circles me. Slowly. Like he’s inspecting cattle at an auction. “Nice,” he says from behind me. My eyes sting, and I squeeze them shut, fighting to maintain control. It doesn’t work. The tears won’t go away.
    “Stand still.”
    He’s in front of me again. I open my eyes just as the gray-haired man snaps a picture. He steps back and takes another, and I fight the urge to run. My feet twitch, and every nerve in my body screams at me to make a break for it. I clench my fists when he walks behind me, snapping another picture.
    “Got it.”
    I try to swallow again, but the lump is even bigger now. Pretty soon I’m going to suffocate. I can’t wait.
    The bathroom door opens and Hadley walks out. She’s wrapped in a towel, and her hair is dripping wet. She’s shaking, and her eyes stretch to the size of golf balls when she sees me standing in the middle of room naked.
    The gray-haired man tosses me a red T-shirt and a pair of skimpy underwear. “Get dressed.”
    He crosses the room to Hadley, and I turn away. I can’t watch.
    The shirt is huge. It would probably be big on one of the linebackers. When I pull it over my head, it almost reaches my knees. My hands shake as I pull the underwear on. I flinch when Suit Man starts talking.
    “Hadley Lucas,” he says. “She’s got a skinny ass, but men will be crawling all over each other to get at her.”
    Hadley whimpers, and even though I don’t want to, I turn to face her. The gray-haired man is circling her just like he did with me.
    “They’re both threes. Those boys did a good job.” Suit Man grins. “Don’t tell them I said so.”
    The gray-haired man laughs, then snaps a picture. He goes behind Hadley and takes another. When he’s done, he tosses her a shirt that, like mine, is huge. She isn’t crying anymore, but she’s still shaking. Then again, so am I.
    “I’m done with them,” Suit Man says, not even looking at the
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